~•~Mary: Oh my god Ed where did you get that?
Ed: In my pocket-
Mary: Put it back where it belongs, you don't want any trouble, right?
Ed looks up at Mary, then back again at the little gadget on his palm, awhile ago, Mae called them out for stealing something from the second basement, which they did. You can't hide things from this girl at all.
Ed: But I found it, so it's mine! Finders Keepers.
Mary: No it's not, that belongs to Mr. Knollys and you're going to bring it back, you hear?
Ed: I want it, and I'm keeping it.
Mezza: Relatable.
Mary: Seriously Ed, now is not the time to act like a little baby, give it here.
Mary held out her hand, signalling Ed to give the chip to her, but he didn't, instead he hid it behind his back and stepped back, looking at Mary defensively.
Mary: Edward.
Ed: You're just jealous that I have it and you don't! I'm not giving it to you and that's it.
Mary: I don't even know how it works! Stop being so stubborn! give me that chip.
Ed: No!
The boy turned his feet and sprinted outside the room and headed towards the downstairs, there's no way he's going to give it to her, it's his now.
He ran out the mansion doors and jumped into some bushes, hoping that no one saw him, he leans on the wall and takes a look at the chip. No one realizes that it could control anyone, except Ed, he doesn't get why the others think it's so dangerous.
Ed: It can't hurt to play around with this, I'll just do it small.
His head pops up from the bushes, looking around for any potential person to try out this "mind controlling" chip out, that's when Ed's eyes landed on the gardener.
Ed: Perfect.
Ed got out of the bushes and sneakily walks behind the gardener, with the chip in hand, he then slapped it on the back of his head and the gardener yelped and turned around, facing Ed.
Gardener: Ow.. what did I do?
Ed: There was a mosquito so I thought I could help you out?-
Gardener: Hm.. Well the garden is infested with mosquitos, so thanks young man..
The boy just nodded innocently and went back to the bushes, he then picks up his phone that was connected with the chip earlier, and began typing something.
Gardener: Ngh, I feel weird..
He grinned and pressed enter on the his phone before watching.
Gardener: What the-
The gardener dropped down to all fours and kept sniffing around the floor, barking at nothing and then proceeded to bark at one of the guards.
Gardener: Aarf! Aarf!!
Guard 1#: Huh?
Gardener: rrrrAarF!
Guard 2#: Joey?-
Ed snickered and typed another sentence in and pressed enter button.

''We Rule Us'' | SiX: The Musical
Fanfiction•This is a story of the queens who once ruled England, reincarnated, and now in the 21st century clueless and might make chaos sooner, the tudor kids will also be here :³ •So, this fanfic has quite alot of characters? Some of the chapters might be i...