Chapter 74: 💥G.L.S💥

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I forgot to mention this but thank you for 10k+ reads :'DD

This chapter is a mess-

When they arrived at the hospital the two girls are already waiting for them, in their civilian clothes, watching movies on the bed.

Ed: We got McDonald's-

Liz: Why do you all look so shaken up?

Anne: Elizabeth, you need to be very careful when you're outside okay??

Liz: ..Why?

Anne looked over to Jane, who gave her nod before looking back to Liz, wrapping a protective arm on her shoulders.

Anne: Your father's out there, and he's not far like what we expected.

Liz: What.. really?

Anne: Promise me you're going to be careful??

Liz only nodded, and then Anne looked over to Lori, who was quietly sitting there and watching.

Anne: Keep my daughter safe for me, alright?

Lori: Huh?

Anne: I know you have good intentions, we all know what's going on ;)

Lizzie confusingly looked at the others, who gave reassuring smiles at both girls, she can't help but smile.

Lori: I'll do my best.

She said that while wrapping an arm around Lizzie's waist, trying to hide the grin but kinda failed.

Jane: Although, we do need to do some double checking—

Cath: Jane no-

Jane: I can't help it-

Mezza: HmMmMm..

Mary looked over to Mezza, who was obviously thinking of something mischievous, then she quickly elbowed her, earning a genuinely surprised look in return.

Mezza: What-

Mary: What are you planning on again?-

Mezza: Uuh, Nothing :)

Mae: She was planning on doing something to ruin the moment again Mary-

Mezza: Shush Mae-

Mary glanced over to Liz and Lori, and the queen's, who was all seemingly trying to convince Jane that their relationship is alright, her eyes turned back to the girl next to her, a smirk now plastered on her face.

Mary: Are you acting like that because Elizabeth isn't single anymore yet you're still a sad, lonely single speciment?

Mezza: You don't have to put it that way- but.. I guess you can say that?-
What am I saying?-

Mary: You're saying you're experiencing the gay loneliness syndrome.

Mezza: Gay loneli— what?-

Mary: We can help you with that. 👋

Mezza: Help me with what?- And what do you mean 'we' ?

A little arm wrapped just around Mezza's elbow, she looked down and saw a face beaming innocently at her.

Mae: We're helping you with your love life :D

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