Chapter 59: Missing

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It was morning when the queens and kids get to be discharged, alot of people were checking on them, especially Aimie and Gribs, Lori called a f̶e̶w̶  hundred times and said that she'll come as soon as she gets her hands on her aunt's credit card, after they fixed everything, Anne quickly ran for the door and ended meeting with the kids.

Anne: Hey! How are you?-

Mezza: Oh- terrible :)

Anne: So am I- have you seen Cathy?

Janie: We haven't seen Aunt Cathy anywhere, nor Mary, Roy and Mae but I think they're on their way-

Anne: Oh alright.

Ed silently ran towards Jane, who brought him into a hug, Anne looked at Liz and also hugged her, and just in time Mary and Roy came in, Roy was struggling with his crutches but was able to go through without stumbling over, Cath walked over to them and pulled them both into a hug. Anne smiled and clapped her hands.

Anne: I say we all do a group hug!

The others agreed but something else felt missing, Anne furrowed her brow and scratch her head, looking around the room.

Anne: Wait.. Mary, have you seen Cathy and Mae?

Mary gave her a confused look and shrugged.

Mary: It was only me and Roy in the room when I woke up, I thought Mae and Aunt Cathy was with you in this room at the time..

Anne: That doesn't make any..—

Before she could finish a nurse walked in through the door.

Nurse: It seems like you're all ready to go, Mr. Knollys is at the front entrance waiting for you—

Anne: Excuse me- were there patients named Catherine Parr and Mae Parr?

The nurse held up her clipboard and flipped through the papers.

Nurse: Uhm.. There wasn't a Catherine Parr nor a Mae Parr in these papers..

Anne looked at the queens, extremely confused, they returned the look.

Anne: What do you mea—

A police walked in and everyone stared at him, the environment was heavy and they all felt uneasy.

Police: Are you the family that lives in the house that was supposedly blown up?

Anna: When you put it that way it's hard to say yes—

Jane: Uh- Yeah that was our house.. sadly. What seems to be the problem?

Police: Well, the people near your house claimed that there was something climbing up the window of your house? I would like to question you some things. Are any of you up for questioning on Thursday?

The queens looked at eachother, Jane was about to speak up but suddenly-

Anne: I think I'd be free on Thursday..

Cath: Say wha—

Police: That's good to know, I should leave now. Have a good day.

The police looked at them and tipped his hat before going out the door, as soon as he did, Lettice poked her head from the corner and entered the room.

Lettice: What was that about?-

Liz: None of your business Lettice-

Lettice: I can easily arrange you to sleep outside tonight so keep your mouth shut, will you?

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