Chapter 41: 'EH'

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This chapter is a  b i t  off topic?

So uhm- this isn't rEaLlY a chapter, it's mostly just me messing around- heh, so here's a little drawing, I know the gun looks awful bUt I TriEd.

Unedited, so incoming mistakes ahead-


Police 2#: Sire, there's no one here.

Police 1#: Check the upstairs.

Police 2#: Yes sire-

Police 3#: Sire, we found a pack of bullets in the kitchen.

Police 1#: What kind of bullets?

Police 3#: It seems to be from a revolver, Ada— Sire, there's also some for an AK-47 and some gun parts.

Police 1#: I'm guessing this guy is a gunslinger.

Police 3#: You can say that..

Police 2 returned with a black bag hanging from his shoulder.

Police 1#: James, what's that..?

Police 2#: A black bag, I haven't checked it yet..

Police 1#: Return to the vehicle, we'll check the contents of it in the station, for now we must warn the people about this man.

Police 2#: Yes Sire.


Cathy woke up in her bedroom with Anne sitting beside her, she was fumbling with the stings of Cathy's hoodie humming to a song that was quietly playing on the bedside table, Cathy placed her hand on Anne's and the girl looked down at her.

Anne: Oh hi Cathy-

Cathy: Hi Annie..

Anne slid down into the sheets facing the blue-eyed girl, grinning widely at her.

Anne: How was your sleep?

Cathy: I want Coffee.

Anne: Answer the question-

Cathy: It was good-

Anne: mHm..

Cathy: Mhm..

Anne: Are you feeling alright?

Cathy: I guess so..

Anne: When do you want me to murder Thomas?

Cathy: ..Midnight..

Anne: Okay :³

Cathy: I'm not serious..

Anne: Awe man..

Cathy reached over to Anne's face and pinched her nose before pecking it.

Anne: Hey-

Cathy: I'm going back to sleep-

Anne: ..can I cuddle you?

Cathy: Hubba?

Anne: Cuddles.

Cathy: No-

Cathy turned to the other side, her back now facing Anne as the smaller girl struggled to pull her back.

Anne: Meanie-

Cathy: Shortie.

Anne gasped and lightly punched Cathy's back and turned away, crossing her arms.

Anne: I'm giving you a silent treatment >:<

Cathy: Mhm..


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