Chapter 29: "Bad" Luck

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The four queens stared at eachother each of them now has watery eyes while Aimie and Gribby was just watching in confusion, they wanted to know why the four reacted like that so they kept quiet.

Kitty: A-Annie-

She was cut short with a hug, Anne's biggest hug.. that both of them landed on the floor but neither of them didn't care, they cried their eyes out in eachother's arms while the customers watched in awe, Jane joined in hugging both of them, Cathy stood there shocked, little tears were spilling out of her eyes.

Aimie: You alright, darling?

Cathy: Huh- Oh.. y-yeah..

She quickly wiped her tears away, only to be replaced by new ones, Kitty looked at Cathy and stood up, walking towards her and gave her a big hug.

Kitty: I missed all of you..

Cathy: U-us too..

She returned the hug, crying on Kit's shoulder.

Cathy, mumbling: I'm so sorry.

Kitty: It's not your fault..

Cathy: You heard that??

Kitty: Of course, you're really close to my ear ya know..

They pulled away and Kit hugged Anne again, no sign of letting go.

Jane: I can't believe I got to see you again!

Cathy: Me neither.. it took her 10 chapte- I don't know how to feel about this.

Anne: H-how did you get here??

Kitty: I've been t-trying to get help from Mae but that didn't work..

The three queens looked at eachother, Mae was telling the truth the whole time.

Cathy: I should've believed her- how could I be so stupid.

Jane: If you were stupid you would've lived with cavemen.. which is us-

Kit looked at Cathy with sad eyes, the girl got confused.

Kitty: Is that why.. you almost did it?

Cathy frozed, the memories came rushing in, her feet and fingers went cold her breath was shaking.

Kitty: wait no- I'm so sorry-

Jane: What? Cathy, what does she mean?

Cathy: I..I..

Anne: Cathy..?

The door opened and the others casually walked but stopped in their tracks when they saw Kitty.

Cath: How did- why- oh my god-

Cath ran to Kitty and gave her a big hug, Anna and the kids immediately joined in.

Anna: I thought I lost you!

Kitty: I'm sorry-

Cath: Shh- child.

They were sobbing and sniffing, Katherine Howard is back for goodness sake-. Anne stared at Cathy, still waiting for an answer, Cathy stared back fear in her eyes Jane noticed the tension and decided to distract them.

Jane: Uh- this is so unbelievable, Kitty, where were you all this time?? And when did you get back?

Kitty: Well, I woke up Infront of a cemetery- Don't know why but, I got lost-

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