Chapter 36: Burning Terrors

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Warnings: Character Suffering, Depressing moment a n d a serious chapter-

Its been awhile since I wrote chapters like this okay-

It's midnight, everyone was asleep- including Cathy, the night was cold, very cold, the only light that was present was the moon, its light shining through the curtains of every house, even the ones with the darkest minds were at peace, not until a spine tingling scream roared in the house, Liz shot up from her bed and looked across from her, she saw Mary, who was covering her mouth and crying- her eyes were looking frantically at the floor, Lizzie quickly got off her bed and ran to her sister but she was stopped-


Liz: Mary we're not playing the floor is lava! And it's fine! I'm alright-

Liz took a step forward as Mary violently shakes her head backing away against the wall.


Lizzie was confused she examined herself but nothing was wrong with her, she frowned at her sister who was against the wall hugging her knees tightly and crying.

What Mary was seeing was a nightmare, everything was on fire even the outside you couldn't see a thing- but the trees burning, animals dying, innocent people dying and screaming, the sky was as red as blood, the clouds were black- just deadly hot light growing bigger and bigger every time she blinks, she stared at Lizzie- no, not Lizzie, a disfigured version of what they call her sister, her face was a melted mess, her whole body was melting you could see her bones, her eyes were nothing but black holes, it looked horrifying.

The queens, mainly Cath, bursts through the door, Mary let out another loud scream as she saw them in the same way as she saw Liz, there's more of them, there's more of those terrifying creatures just staring at her, her body shook even more violently if that's possible, she began sweating more and more as she saw one of them walking towards her, she didn't know who it was since everyone looked the same, melting skeletons. It got dangerously close to Mary and she tried to kick it away, trying to protect herself from a now withered skeleton, her sweat and tears started to fall like a waterfall, as it reached over to her.

This is it, it's taking her, They're taking her, all 300 of them- will witness the person that had set their fates, suffer the exact same thing she put them through, the slow pain of knowing you'll be nothing but ash soon, the sound of your flesh cooking underneath you, the disgusting smell of death surrounding you, forgotten, the look satisfaction on every face she sees-

Cath: MARY.

The teen snapped out of her trance, Catherine was shaking Mary for the past 5 minutes yelling her name to her face, Mary stared at her mother and then everyone behind her watching with pure concern and fear, She was immediately pulled into a hug, Mary let out a deep breath and shakily hugged back. Her lungs hurt like hell, she was having trouble breathing, breathing in short breaths. Cath pulled away and noticed how her child was having difficulties.

Cath: Mary, my child, listen, m-match my breathing okay? Can you do that?

Mary nodded and watched as how Cath's chest go up and down, struggling to follow she ended up crying, she couldn't follow her and now she thinks she's let her own mother down, she closed her eyes and her body forced her to lean against the wall, her breathing was getting dangerously slow, her chest flat out of oxygen, small breaths came out of her mouth as she chokes on her sobs.

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