Chapter 1: Rooms

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Cath woke up to the throbbing pain in her head, she sat up, she turned her head to the side and saw another woman, but not just any woman, it was  the person whom she despised 500 years ago.

And from the looks of it, she was equally as shocked as her.

Cath: Its-

Anne: You ..




Cath: Come here you little—

Catherine pulled Anne by the hair, and all of the sudden, Anne's head detached from her neck.





~•Earlier in another room•~

Jane wakes up, confused about the pain in her stomach, all she remembered was her holding her child, tightly in her arms, and everything went black.

She starts to look around, atleast to try and find something to ease the pain, instead she founds a woman lying down, somehow peacefully sleeping.

She felt like she needed to wake her up yet she didn't want to be rude by interrupting a strangers slumber.

She gently shakes the strangers shoulder, nothing happens, she shakes her again, a little rougher, and got a groan in response, at this situation she has no idea what to do, until a sudden scream from the other side of the wall woke her up.

The woman jolted up from the bed and looks around, adjusting her eyes on the environment, she then founds Jane on her side, but still has a blurry vision.

Anna: Jesus ..?


Jane: Jesus Seymour..?—

Anna:Oh mein Gott, wo bin ich? Ist das der Himmel? Sehe ich gut aus? Habe ich mich auf der Erde gut geschlagen? Bin ich gut? Bitte schließen Sie den Diebstahl von Süßigkeiten nicht mit ein. Es war nicht meine Absicht -

(im sorry, you can use Google translate-)




Jane: Okay wait-


Cathy wakes up to the sounds of screaming, and a figure crying and holding her neck, she gets up and went over to the other person to try and comfort her.

Which was rejected by a flinch.

Kitty: Wh-Who are you ..?

Her voice sounded strained, and so close to a whisper, full of pain and confusion. Cathy feels bad, and concerned, she can tell that she had it worse than her, she pulled herself together and answered:

Cathy: I'm Catherine Parr.. What's yours?

The girl stayed silent, as though she doesn't trust letting anyone know her name.

Cathy: Its alright, I'm not gonna hurt you, you can trust me.

Those were the only comforting words  Cathy could process right now, the girl took a few moments to think, and was able to form the words:

Kitty: Howard. Katherine Howard ..

Her voice was still quiet, but its good enough for Cathy.

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