Chapter 5: Head Switch

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Anne and Anna finally finished mopping the floor, since both of them did the most damage from earlier.

Anne: This is not fair- why cant Kitty and Cathy help us even though they got involved too !

Anna: I meann, I can't say that Kitty got involved, its more like, got dragged into this mess.

Anne: Hm, Still. She said a fact about caramel !

Anna: I know right? It was impressive-

Anne: nO.. Well it was- but she said it, so that means she did got involved which means- smol gasp she is guilty and she should help us clean up !!

Anna: Anne, we are already finish-

Anne: - aNd tHen CatHy.

Anna: oh boy..

After about almost 20 minutes on explaining why Cathy is also guilty, by using unnecessary facts-

Anne: -and the way her soft hair blows everytime she opens her window at exactly 7:45 am-

Anna: Anne, how do you know this?


Anne: Youre hearing things-


Anna:Weißt du, manchmal bin ich davon überzeugt, dass du ein Außerirdischer von einem anderen Planeten bist, weil Cath das vor ein paar Tagen gesagt hat.

Anne: Whats that?

Anna: you're hearing things.

Anne: you suck-

Anna: Es ist die Wahrheit-

Anne: wHaT aRe yOu sAyiNg

Anna: You need help or something?

Anne: nO.

Anna: I didn't say anything-

Anne: Je ne suis pas fou !

Anna: Don't go all french on me sis-

Anne: Oh yeah, then dont go all german on me-

Cath: ¿Pueden callarse las dos, estoy tratando de cocinar!

Anne: Je ne me tairai pas jusqu'à ce que cette femme se taise!

Anne points to Anna

Anna: Ich verstehe dich nicht einmal!

Jane, Kitty and Cathy walked downstairs confused.

Jane: Why do we have language class here-

Cathy: Dont tell me this is about something stupid-




Kitty:Cén fáth go bhfuil sé chomh ciúin?

All queens turn their heads to look at Kitty, surprised.

Kitty: I've been learning Irish-

Anne: Is that so? I would recommend French, aka the best language eve-

Cath: Spanish is more superior Kit-

Anna: The easiest language is actually German-

Cathy: Okay okay- Dont pressure the child-

She says hugging Kitty.

Anne: We were just encouraging-

Jane: Theres a difference between Encouraging and Forcing-

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