Chapter 18: I See You.

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Guess what- I drew the Kids and it turned into a mess. don't ask bout Janie-


~Ultimate Timeskip~

It was the day after Kit's funeral, no one smiled in the morning, barely anyone talked, meanwhile Mae woke up and saw Kitty sat on her bed looking at her, with a warm smile.

She flashed her a smile and opened her arms expecting a hug but instead the older girl motioned her to go outside, Mae hopped off her bed and skipped to the door.

She turned the knob and opened it, Mae turned around to see Kitty waiting for her to go out, she skipped to the stairs and walked down, when she reached the landing she smiled and turned around, but there was nothing up there.

Mary saw and was concerned, she got up and walked over to Mae.

Mary: Morning, did you had a good sleep?

Mae: Not really..

Mary: Why were you smiling then?

Mae: I thought Kitty was following me..

Everyone frozed.

Jane: What m-makes you think that?

Mae: She was there when I woke up this morning!

Anne: H-how?? She not here! She's—

Cath: Anne, don't.

Cathy: Mae, sweetie, C'mere..

Mae nodded and walked to her mother, she picked her up and places her on her lap.

Cathy: We're going to see Kitty today, okay?

Mae: But.. Kitty is here..

Anne: Is??

Cathy: I know, we love her and we will never forget her, now, go and eat.

Mae: But.. thats not-

She set her down, she furrowed her brows.

Mae: I'll get her!

She ran upstairs to Kitty's room, there she found Kit on her bed, solving her puzzle.

Mae: Kitty!

The older girl looked up and smiled, she patted the bed, telling her to sit, Mae hopped on the bed and starts swinging her legs, she groaned.

Mae: Kitty, I think everyone is pulling a prank on me..

Kitty gave her a confused expression.

Mae: They kept telling me that you are somewhere else even though you're right here!

Kit just gave her a shrug.

Mae: .. What's that?

The older girl pointed at the box beside her, she picked it up and looked at the front cover.

Mae: Woah! Its a castle!

Kit nodded.

Mae: Can I hel—

The door swung opened revealing Cathy and the queens.

Cathy: Mae! What are you doing with Kitty's stuff??

Mae: Kitty is solving her puzzle though-

She turned to her side and she's sitting with no one, she became very confused.

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