Chapter 60: Jobs

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This is just a trashy chapter :)

A day has passed, the queens and kids hadn't really gotten used to the adjustments but they're trying their best to be comfortable despite having two people missing in the family tree, and on that day Jane had an idea.

Jane: Girls-

The four queens turned their heads to look at the blonde, eager for what's she's going to say since they were completely bored.

Jane: I have a thought, why not get ourselves jobs?-

Anne: Doesn't Aragon have a job though?

Jane: She got fired-

Anna: Since when did Catherine got a job?-

Anne: How ironic— I mean, why did they fire her?

Jane: Well, I was visiting her on one particular day because she forgot her lunch and things got interesting in the eleva—

Cath: We don't talk about that here-

Jane: Right, sorry, but she did got a little creative with the sandwi—

Cath: Jane.

Jane: Sorryy- but yeah, I was thinking we could work together to buy a new house or even provide for the family atleast.

Kitty: But we're in a mansion-

Jane: But we don't live in it, so it's best if we save up for a new house.

Anna: But, m a n s i o n. : (

Jane: I know-

Anne: You still haven't forgotten about Cathy didn't you?

Jane: Of course I didn't Anne..

Anne: That's good.

Jane: So, are you girls in? We'll start small.

The other queens nodded in agreement  and then they decided to discuss about what job they'd like to do.

Anna: I'm thinking of working at a gym.

Jane: Alright, how about you Lina?

Cath: I've heard that there was a help wanted sign at the mall, so I'm thinking I'll go work there.

Jane: That's great, I've already planned on helping out at a salon nearby.

Jane smiled and then she looked over to her cousins with an expectant look.

Kitty: Is part-time jobs alright? Me and Annie had something in mind.

Jane: Yeah you girls can do part-time jobs, what do you girls have in mind?

Anne: We were thinking of... Babysitting!

Cath exaggeratedly coughs and turned her head to the two.

Cath: Did I heard you correctly?-

Anne: Yes you did Aragon-

Anna: Well that's unexpected-

Jane: sHh, you two are going to work together?

Kitty: Yeah, we're good with children so why not?

Cath: You do realize that you're about to work with THE Anne Boleyn right?

Kitty: Yeah?

Cath: OUR Anne Boleyn?

Anne: It's not everday you get to sit on a baby!

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