Chapter 81: Trip

393 22 44

✨Kinda Unedited?✨


Culpeper pulled his jeans up, sighing, satisfied. He wore his coat back and buttoned it before looking at her limp body, she was silently crying the during the whole thing, her hand on her mouth.

Culpeper: Katherine?

He wiped her tears as if nothing even happened and picked up her jacket before carrying her to the bench, she didn't even thought of fighting back, she's just too worn out.

Culpeper: Hold on.

Culpeper then wrapped her jacket onto her back and sat Infront of her before caressing her tear strained cheek.

Culpeper: Hey, what's wrong?

Kitty: D..D.. Don't..

Her head winced away, too scared to face him, she felt absolutely disgusting.

Culpeper: I'm not gonna hurt you.

Kitty: Y-You already did..

Culpeper: It was only for a couple of minutes.. not that long, right?

Kitty: ... I g-guess..

Culpeper: Now wipe those tears off that pretty face of yours, hm?

He sweetly says that while wiping the tears from her eyes, Kit doesn't even know anymore, so she just did what he told her to do, she wants to puke, or drink a gallon of mouth wash. She didn't enjoyed it one bit.

Culpeper: You're just so beautiful today.

Kitty: Wh-what??

Culpeper: I just can't resist.

Kitty: Please, l-let go my legs.

Culpeper: Huh?

Culpeper looked down a bit and realized he was gripping her thighs too tightly, he jerked up stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Culpeper: Sorry.

Kitty: Sure you are..

Culpeper: Oh come on, you don't have to be sarcastic, love.

He then proceeds to look at this watch, and immediately stood up once his eyes landed on it.

Culpeper: Damnit, I have to leave now, hope we meet again Katherine.

Thomas took her hand again, and kissed the top of it before rushing away, covering his face.

Kitty sat there and cried again, she cried for minutes that felt like hours and then running back to the mansion.

Anna: Okay, so the guy parted this sea in halves?

Cath: Yuh.

Anna: And then he killed all the men by putting it all together again?—

Anne: Couldn't bring Humpty Dumpty together again—

Cath: Anne no-

Anne: Yeah-  That's not how the story goes anyway, C a t a l i n a.

Anna: It's not?- *erases everything on her notebook*

Cath: Actually, B o l e y n, it is.

Anna: 👁️👄👁️💧*slowly writes everything back*

Anne: He obviously checked the weather news to see if the sea is going to be aggressive-

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