Chapter 2: Glimpse of the 21st

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Sorry it took me awhile to update ;^;


The Next Day

Anne: Okay, you're telling me that we should follow this red line to this, drawing of a house? Sounds suspicious . .

Cath: Anne, it literally says 'Follow the line to your new home.' do you even read?!

Cathy: Quit it you two, let's just get moving while the sun is still out-

Jane: I agree with Cathy, theres no point on waisting time . . . Wait, wheres Kitty and Anna?




Jane: I-

Kitty: Over here!

The queens looked over to the younger queen, carrying what seems to be a bag full of snacks in it, followed by Anna, carrying a sack of it.

Anne: dramatic gasp Kit, where'd you two get those??

Kitty: Theres this small door thing, and when you open it, it lets out cold air, along with these, right Anna?

The younger queen looks at Anna

Anna: Yep, Kitty took everything thats in there, and I basically took the whole kitchen-






Anna: FoR tHe HoUse !

Cathy: Im pretty sure the house already has furniture in it Anna ..

Anna: Thats what they want you to think-

Cath: I dont think the people from above would give us an empty house Anna.

Jane: I second that.


Anne: suspicious ..

Cath: Dont go there, Anne.

Anne: Youre not my mom Aragon-

Cathy: Okay! Everyone, lets get moving.

All the queens, got out of the building, in their 16th century dresses, a bit of blood on the beheaded cousins, and a few people staring. The queens felt uneasy, partly because of the nostalgia, and partly because they feel like they dont belong.

As they walk along the side walk, people seem to just stare, some people think they were just cosplaying, some people think they are a bunch of mad women and kept their distance, some just didn't really mind or care.

Anne: Well this feels weird . .

Cathy: I feel like we should dress up like them actually, then maybe they would stop staring.

Kitty: I could smell my blood from this dress.. and memories ..

Cath: We could buy some clothes there?

Cath points at a rectangular building, with dressed mannequins posed behind the windows.

The queens made their way inside the air conditioned building, and already picking their outfits.

The beheaded cousins finish first.

Kat with a faint pink sweater and a drawn cat on it along with white trousers. And Anne with a light green plaid jacket that comes with a white shirt, and a pair of black leggings.

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