Chapter 4: Water Shooting Snake

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Warning: Hose Abuse.


Kitty followed Anna to the back of the house, Anna stopped them, and went behind Kitty to cover her eyes, and carefully guided the young queen outside.

When they got there, Anna slowly remove her hands from Kitty's eyes, Kitty gasped at the sight, lanterns are hanged up, a neat picnic at the centre, and the stars in the night sky.

It was simple, but its beautiful enough for Kitty.

Kitty: Oh my gosh, Anna, this is amazing!

Kitty runs over to the area and starts twirling and jumping around, Anna admired it.

Anna: Its not much though, I was a bit  surprised that they still have candles-

Kitty: Its enough.. But why did you make all of this though? Its too much for your first night here.

Anna: I did said we could relive that night, just the two of us ..

Kitty: I didn't expect it this soon !

Kitty ran over to Anna and hugged her.
Anna took the chance take Kitty's hand, and starts humming a tune. "Swete was the Song"

(I literally have to search YouTube for that ;-;)

Kitty was surprised, but she went along with it.

They danced the night away, the sound of the cold breeze blowing their hair, the bit of light from the lanterns and candles illuminated the area, the hypnotizing darkness, along with all the stars making hundreds of patterns.

Everything felt like a dream to Kitty, a dream she never knew she had.

~•Next day•~

Anne wakes up with the sunlight hitting her face.

Anne: groaning

Anne abruptly gets up, and glances over to Kitty, peacefully sleeping, window closed on her side.

Instead of closing her own window and going back to sleep like the majority of people would do, she dragged herself over to Kitty's bed, and pushes Kitty off, stealing her spot.

Kitty, who's half awake: wha- Annee ..

Anne: complaining in French

Kitty: Get off my bed-

Kitty tries to push Anne away, but she's too tired to even do so.

Kitty: Annieee . .

Anne: Noooo. . .

Kitty, went close to Anne's ear and whispered: Racoons doesn't exist.

With that, Anne immediately jolted up.

Anne: They do—

Kitty pushes Anne off and reclaimed her spot.

Anne: dang it-

Kitty: Too bad ..

Kitty had fallen back to sleep, leaving a now awake Anne, bored.

She made her way to the third room, and shakes Jane.

Jane: Hmm?..

Anne: How do I work the magic portrait?

Jane: Greenn ..

Anne confused, looks down at her green pajamas.

Anne: What about my pajamas?

Jane mumbled something, Anne cant really hear.

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