Chapter 49: Truck

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gAyperfectionn dOnE, here's all four of them- This was rushed so soRrY.


The girl crossed her arms and looked at Lettice, head to toe, before giving her a glare.

Lori: Fuck no.

Lettice was taken aback and she removed her hand from her hip, furrowing her eyebrows.

Lettice: What do you mean?! I totally got Elizabeth good back there, I deserve to be part of your group!

Lori: You only want more 'clout' Knollys, we all know that.. and if you think we would let you join us just because of that stupid old prank, Hun, you were so wrong.

The girl began fuming and gritted her teeth before saying.

Lettice: Ugh! You guys will regret this! And guess what, I don't need you guys! I will form my own clique, you'll see!

Lettice turned around and walked to the other room, Lori rolled her eyes and picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

Lori: Whatever.

Once again her vision began blurring, her head hurting and she almost stumbled over when Marc caught her.

Marc: Careful-

Russ: Lors is drunk already?

Cass nudged his shoulder and Russ gave her a look.

Lori:  I'm not.. I need fresh air..

Marc: Want me to come?

Lori: No, look, I'll be right back.

She placed her cup down and slowly guiding herself out the door, walking pass the red stain on the floor, she's impressed that no one had slipped on it yet.

She rubbed her head and looked around, finding Lizzie leaning on Mez on the steps, Mez was trying to comfort her but the girl just kept on crying.

Mezza: It's alright Lizzie, everything is going to be okay. Does it still hurt?

Liz wiped her tears that just ended up getting replaced with new ones, she looked up at Mez and shook her head.

Mezza: Good, when we get back we're gonna get drunk over ice cream, Oh- and then we could go on a movie marathon with the others!

The girl let out a chuckle and smiled at Mez.

Liz: Thanks Mezza, I-I shouldn't have dragged you into this mess... Literally.

Mezza: Mess? I got to strangle a bitch tonight and it felt great, and who even wants to party in a boring mansion? And lemme tell you, you look good in red-

Mezza started to laugh while Liz glared playfully at her.

Liz: .. Fuck you-

Mezza: >:), that jacket actually goes with it-

Mez pointed at the jacket Lizzie was wearing, but then realized who originally owned it.

Mezza: Wait, is that Lori's jacket?-

She tensed and gripped the jacket tighter, looking down.

Liz: ..Uhm.. I-It—

Lori: It appears to be.

The two almost fell over as soon as Lori stepped out from the corner that she was hiding in.

Lori: I thought I told you two to scram.

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