Chapter 82: Fishing for answers

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This is one of the longest chapters of this book and I'm so tired.

Almost forgot that I have summative tests this week 👁️👄👁️

Anyways, continue reading y'all-


Jane: Good morning girls!~
She sung.

Jane stretches her arms and hops out the bed while getting muffled responses from the other queens, she reached for the window and opened it letting in a lot of sunlight to the room.

Anne: Blondie turn off the sun..
Anne groaned.

Jane: Oh but it's beautiful outside! Just take a look for yourself.

Anne: Anne doesn't want to see mother nature just yet-

Jane: Nature is beautiful-

Kitty: Life is beautiful.

Jane: Oh good morning Kitty :D

Kitty: Morning, where are we again?

Jane: We're in a cabin silly, in fact, everyone get up already! We have so much fun things to do-

Queens: No-

The blonde just chuckles it off and went to grab the doorknob.

Jane: Alright then, I'll get cooking! No one wants to have fun on an empty stomach :D

Cath: Want me to help?

Jane: No thank you darling I got this, I've been cooking for all of you since we were in the old house, plus the kids, so just stay in bed :)

Cath: I'll still help you.

Jane: Why?

Cath: It's been awhile since we've cooked together right? So why not now?

Jane: Ooh, okay I guess we can.

Catherine got up and fixed her bed before leaving the room with the blonde, Anne grumbled and unconsciously sat up the bed, rubbing her eyes.

Anne: Why do I always sleep Infront of a window..
She said to herself.

Anne: Kit can you close the—

Before she could even finish her sentence, the pink haired queen dashed outside the room with her mouth covered, Anne blinked a few time and then turned to Anna with a confused look.

Anne: Did she just dodge me?-

Anna: I mean, you could've done yourself-

Anne: Hm, maybe I'm just lazy-

Their ears then picked up a gagging noise coming from outside, and then coughing which sounded like Kitty.

The two exchange glances before rushing out the door, they head outside to find just trees from the distance and the bonfire that was now ash just sitting near the cabin, but they couldn't stop hearing the sound of vomiting from near.

Anne: I still hear it.

Anne: Let's check the side.

Anna nodded and followed Anne to the side of the cabin, they finally found Kit hunched down behind a tree, gripping a low branch like her life depended on it.

Anne: Kitty??

Then ran over to her only to realize that the girl just vomited on the ground, some of its contents were able to land on the roots.

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