After minutes of brainstorming on how on earth are they going to switch the cousins, one of them finally came up with a solution.
Cathy: I think when you two were doing something stupid earlier, did both of you feel, any strong emotion?
The cousins seem to pause and think for a moment.
Annie: Does wanting to strangle her count?
Cathy: I meannn something like that-
Kit: . . Joy?
Cathy: Exactly. Because if you think about it, when both of you were experiencing the same rate of joy or excitement perhaps, when you made a forceful connection like you two crashing into eachother, maybe because of the force, the brain waves somehow got confused and ended up switching to the others head-
Cathy: To summarize it, we need strong emotions, and heavy force.
Cath: Oh okay now I understand
Kit: I seriously dont understand a word youre saying-
Jane: Thats impressive, then again, not surprising
Anna: I thought you're speaking in a different language
Annie: How exactly do we do that?
Cathy: I'm not really sure, but it'll come eventually.
Annie/Kitty sighed, it was obvious to Kit/Anne that her little cousin is getting more uncomfortable, she was about to go over to her but then Jane speaks up.
Jane: Okay, how about we take a break? Maybe a quick snack somewhere?
All the queens cheered in agreement, and all of them went to their rooms to change, for Anne and Kitty though, it was pretty awkward, took them some time before they went downstairs to join the group.
Jane: Any thoughts on where we should go?
Kit: OoO- I wanna try the Pizza place !
Anna: Whats 'Pizza'?
Kit: Its like this flat bread with ketchup and cheese on it, and can go with different toppings, I read from the cooking book from the kitchen-
Cath: Seems like Boleyn is getting smarter-
Kit: Shush it Aragon-
Anna: If you two start fighting again, I wont hesitate to tape both of your mouths up-
Anna says while reaching into her pocket to pull out a roll of tape, and starts waving it to both queens attention.
Cathy: Why did you bring a tape on the way to a restaurant-
Anna: For certain reasons-
Cath: I hate to admit that you're not alone there-
Cath pulls out a whip from her sweatshirt and shows it off to the queens.
Jane: Wait-
Cathy: I-
Annie: I'm scared now
Anna: Yess sis
Anne/Kit lets out a snicker.
Cath: What are you laughing at?-
Kit: Oh dont worry-

''We Rule Us'' | SiX: The Musical
Fanfiction•This is a story of the queens who once ruled England, reincarnated, and now in the 21st century clueless and might make chaos sooner, the tudor kids will also be here :³ •So, this fanfic has quite alot of characters? Some of the chapters might be i...