Chapter 14: Colours

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No one knows how long they've been sitting outside the ER, as for Anne, in her head it what exactly 4 hours and 34 seconds, and counting.

She spent the whole time pacing left to right and back, constantly getting told by the other queens to sit down for awhile.

Jane: Anne, for the 33rd time, sit yourself down.

Anne: I cant- What if she dies just like that? Or something has gone terribly wrong about her and I'm gonna lose the daughter I remember? What if-

Cath: Boleyn! like Jane said, sit down!

Anne: But if-

Cath had enough of the Anne's shit and she grabbed her wrist pulling her down next to her.

Anne groaned and hid her face with her hands, looking down, not wanting to socialize with the other queens.

Cath: ..Anne?

Anne: What..

She didn't respond and just pulled the girl closer rubbing patterns on her back, sure, she hates the girl, but she's
human too, and has feelings.

Anne: An old cranky woman with a heart? I see ..

Cath: I'm literally a year older than you-

Anne: Still old.

Cath moved her hand up and smacked Anne from the back of the head.

Anne: Ow-

Cath: Want me to comfort you or not-

Anne: Sure, an old grandma's comfort is always comfy-

Cath: Stop calling me old you gremlin-

Anne: ok, boomer.

Cath: I-

The doors swung open and a doctor stepped out.

Doctor: Relatives of.. Mary Stuart and Elizabeth Tudor?

Anne raises her hand, waving it like a mad woman.

Doctor: Stuart or Tu-

Anne: Tudor.

Doctor: Are there relatives of Stu-

Jane: We'll adopt her next week.

Doctor: ..uhm.. okay- you can come in now ma'am.

He moved so that Anne can get through, he told her the number room, she hurried her pace to Elizabeth's room and carefullybopened the door, she caught sight of her daughter, bandages wrapped around her head and the upper part of her body.

Stuart was fast asleep on the bed across from Liz, an oxygen tank beside her, and alot of blood packs hanging on the other side connecting to her.

There's also a rather large scar on the side of her head, stitched up.

Anne made her way closer to Liz and sat on a chair next to her, she gripped her daughters hand and can feel tears dripping on her chin.

Anne: Oh, Elizabeth.. your mothers here dont worry. Ill wait.

And with that she fell asleep.


Jane keeps shacking Anne only to have groans as a response.

Jane: She's not waking up.

Anna: Try kicking her chair down..?

Cath: Oh- wait-

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