Chapter 55: 🌟𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓱 𝔃𝓮 𝓔𝔁𝓹𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓪🌟

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....I promise I didn't ran out of title ideas.. I'll give you a moment to process iT-

_flofferr_ I hate how you were able to convince me to do this to myself-

Dereham: Thomas, if you move your piece here it'll become king.

Culpeper: I know how to play draughts Dereham-

Dereham: Then move it there if you want to win! Mannox already has two kings so move it!

Mannox: Yeah  t h o m a s  Listen to gramps, he knows better..

Culpeper: Just shut up!

Mannox: What's the matter, Cuntpeper?

Culpeper: Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean you can treat me like that!

Mannox: Oh shut up before I really beat you!

Dereham: Oh dear lord...

Francis ran his fingers through his curly hair as he watched the two fight about draughts, wait, are they still fighting about draughts? Suddenly, the man with the parka coat stepped out from the corner and grabbed both of their shoulders, staring them down.

Henry: If you ever fight about something fucking small, get physical with it.

Mannox: Wha—

Mannox wasn't able to finish his sentence when a fist was swung to his face, so hard that he met the wall before melting to the floor.

Dereham: 👁️👄👁️💧

Dereham backed away while taking the draughts board off the table, Henry huffed and turned around to meet Culpeper's trembling face, the boy took a step back putting his hands Infront of him as if to protect himself. Henry lifted his arm but then they heard an impatient knock on the door.

Henry: Francis, get it.

He just nodded and went over to the door, he opened it a little bit and peeked outside before opening it widely once he realised who it was.

𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓢𝓮𝔂𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻

Dereham: Seymour.

Thomas: Dereham.

Dereham: What on earth happened to your face..?

He gritted his teeth and pointed to Henry.

Thomas: His wives did it.

Henry stopped and turned to face Thomas' scar-filled face.

Henry: What...?

Thomas: You heard me, and one of them knew that you've been reincarnated too.

Henry: ..Get in.

Francis moved as Thomas walked inside, the other two were looking at him from the floor while Henry guided him to the kitchen.

Henry: What do you mean..?

Thomas: Catherine knows...

Henry: ..Which one?-

Thomas: I- The one that outlived you!

Henry: Catherine?

Thomas: Yeah.

Henry: More red flags, why are you here..?

Thomas: I want to... Help out the team.. If you're willing to.

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