Hey, I was bored so I drew the main antagonists of this story- aka Henry and his goons.
I don't know if I should feel scared or straight..
Unedited! I'm sorry ;-;
~•~Anne kicked the door down once they arrived, dragging Cath with her- while the others follow.
Anne: WE'RE BACK- and it's surprisingly quiet in here..
Cath: Anne, wHat dO yOu wAnt tO tELl mE-
Anne: I made a song for you, I bet you're gonna love it-
Anne: It's called Wearing Yellow to his funeral :D
Cath: I like it already-
Anne: Henry~ you're a- mAsSive cUn—
Other queens: wOaH-
Anne: What-
Jane: chiLdRen-
Anne: fUcC the children-
Kitty: B-but that's pedo—
Anne: tHaTs nOt wHat I mEaNt-
Anne turned over to Kit and pulled her into a hug while Cath walked over to Mary.
Cath: You wanna go to your room?
Mary: My not air-conditioned room?
Cath: Yep-
Mary: Yeah-
Mary picked up her things and walked upstairs, she looked at her door, pushing it open she saw Lizzie on the desk, writing away.
Mary: Oy-
Mary: Lizzie? Hello??
Mary: .__.
Mary quietly creeped up behind Liz, dropping her bag and-
Liz: gAh- ALABAMA-
Mary: Hey Loser-
Liz: Hey Mareh-
Liz spun her chair and pulled Mary into a quick hug before turning back around.
Liz: You're finally back from you vacation?-
Mary: A painful one-
Liz: Eh- you missed alot by the way-
Mary: I can see that-
The girl dived into her bed, rolling with the blankets whilst Liz gave the letter to Charlie, Mary looked over and saw the bird and pushed herself off the bed.
Mary: Liz- where'd you get that bird?
Liz: Uhm.. Aunt Jane-
Mary: Where is it going?-
Liz: Somewhere, I'm not telling you-
Mary: Tell me-
Liz: I just said—
Mary: T E L L M E
Liz: a fRiEnD-
Mary: ಠ_ಠ ..
Liz: If you're going to interrogate me I-
Mary: So Liz, question one.
Liz: *groans*

''We Rule Us'' | SiX: The Musical
Fanfiction•This is a story of the queens who once ruled England, reincarnated, and now in the 21st century clueless and might make chaos sooner, the tudor kids will also be here :³ •So, this fanfic has quite alot of characters? Some of the chapters might be i...