Chapter 51: Basement Talk

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unedited ;-;

Anne was in the living room, once again pacing back and forth, repeating the same number for fifteen minutes with no answer while the other queens watched in concern.

Anne: She's not picking up! They're supposed to be here an hour ago!

Cathy: Annie..

Anne: What if Thomas got to them?? O-Or Henry?? Or B-Both?!

Cathy shot up from her seat and went over to Anne, who just broke down into tears, pulling her into a hug and stoked her hair.

Cathy: I'm sure they're fine, they're both smart girls..

Anne: I-I just want to know if they're okay..

Cathy: I know, I know..

Catherine sat them down on a chair, with Anne on her lap and started humming to her ear.

Jane: We should try to call Mezza.. it's worth a try..

The queens nodded as Jane dialled Mezza's number, which immediately went to a flat line and then her voice mail.

"Heyy, sorry- I'm too busy doing something stupid right now, call me next year-"

Jane sighed and placed the phone down.

Jane: She's off too..

Hearing this only made Anne panic more and she ran upstairs to her room, Kitty ran after her, leaving only four queens in the living room. Cath ran her hand through her hair and slouched back.

Cath: Are we cursed with bad luck..?

Anna: Seems like it.

Jane: I hope they're okay ..


Cordeigh creeped up to Mezza, who was tied down and inserted a needle in her arm, making the girl jump.

Mezza: OW! What the hell asshole?!

Mr.C: Shut up or I'll bring the axe.

Mezza immediately went silent, she hates syringes but she hates axes more than anything.

Liz: What are you doing to her??

Mr.C: Oh, just a little amnesia.. since someone told her the truth.

He glared at Lori, who looked down, wincing, Liz watched with her brows furrowed.

Liz: What kind of person are you? You hurted your daughter, and she's bleeding right next to me while you play around with things like this! You're one of the most disgusting people I've ever met!

Lori: T-Tudor—

Cordeigh snapped his neck towards Liz, who felt shivers go down her spine as he slowly walked towards her.

Mr.C: ...I don't "play" around with syringes.. I'm a scientist who's going to change the world with my new discovery of human immortality! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I STAB THIS IN YOUR THROAT.

The man placed the syringe on Lizzie's neck and stared right in her eyes, the girl gulped and slowly nodded which made Cordeigh remove the syringe from her neck and smirked.

Mr.C: Do you know why I do this...?

He turned to Lori, who immediately shaked her head.

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