Chapter 57: Mansion

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She could feel herself opening her eyes, her body was stuck in a window, she could feel her torso being surrounded by glass shards, threatening to go any deeper in her skin if she moves, she didn't understand what was happening, all she remembered was sitting on the couch with the others and then BOOM, she flew into the window, the upper part of her body was bleeding, the shouts of the neighbors were barely visible.

It hurt, it really did, but she just had to keep breathing and hold herself up, she could feel some glass already stabbing her sides, a few minutes had pasts, her head was screaming questions like-

'where the hell are the ambulances?!'

Her mind and arms finally gave in, that's where she heard sirens from the distance, she glanced behind her, as all she sees is that the house doesn't have a roof anymore, almost the whole upstairs, obliterated. A tear escaped her eye and she looked away before she  closed her eyes.


After a long time of listening to her own breathing, she slowly fluttered her eyes open, all she sees was a bright light, she could tell that everything was completely white, then a figure stood over her..

"Is this heaven?"

She tried to prop herself up but the figure gently pushed her down, shaking their head and saying something along the lines of: "Stay down, don't worry." Her thoughts stopped and she nodded.

"Is this person an angel?"

The figure patted over some fabric that seemed to be wrapped around her torso, she could here them huffed and then suddenly the shiny light was pulled aside, and then realization hit her, she was in a hospital room, that makes sense..

Nurse: Hey, are you okay now?

The person waved their hand over her face, and she looked at him, black hair, brown sad eyes, the same nurse who got therapy, the same nurse to tried to deny his depression, was standing right there, is this who they were talking about?

Nurse: Everything is gonna be alright, you're fine now..

He patted her shoulder and was about to walk away when she threw her hand at his arm, grabbing it with the last bits of her energy.

Nurse: Woah, okay, need anything?

Janie: Wh....Where-

Nurse: You're in the hospital, you're safe now don't worry..

Janie: N...No, wh...where             ev.... everyone??

Nurse: They're fine too, look you're with some of them in the room, you're not alone, okay?

Janie let's go of his arm, he smiled and walked away while Janie moved herself so that she's laying on her side, and there they were, Liz, Ed and Mezza, all hung up to wires and parts of their hair were burnt, she snaked a hand up to her head, her hand met a bald spot at the back of her head, she gasped and shivered before laying back down to her original spot.

She quickly faced the wall, clutching on the sheets as she lets hot tears escape her eyes, she couldn't bare looking at the others kids, she just can't. Hours past, all she did was stare at the wall when she heard shuffling from behind her, she looked over her shoulder, Mezza had her eyes open, the complete shock plastered all over her face, her eyes darting everywhere as she begins to slowly furrow her brows, gasping, Janie immediately rolled to face her.

Janie: Pst!

Mezza jumped from her bed a little, looking over at her direction then a big grin made its way to her face when she saw Janie.

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