Chapter 70: Back

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“Anne Boleyn, You're under arrest.”

Four words... Wait no- Five words.. those words rang through Anne's head as she stared at the tall police standing Infront of her, also staring back, handcuffs ready in one hand.

Anne: Uhm... I'm not Anne Boleyn-

Everyone around her gave her a look, especially Jane with her mouth slightly ajar.

Anne: I'm.. Anna Boleyn :D

Police: ...Anna Boleyn..?

Anne: Anne's twin sister, she uhm- ran away to Alabama to take care of the kids!-

Police: That doesn't make sense at all-

Anne: She's a unique snowflake-

Jane: Anne-

Anne: sHh.

Police: In the description here it says that Anne has dark chestnut brown hair with green eyes..

Anne: You don't know what 'twin' means don't ya?—

Police: ..And always wear her hair in space buns..

Anne: 👁️👄👁️💧

Police: Ms. Boleyn You're coming with us.

The police took Anne's arms and handcuffed her, Anne sweats and looks over to Jane, who was blocked by some policemen.

Anne: Jane save me-

Jane: UuUuh- They both wear the same hairstyles!

Police: Yeah, this woman is clearly lying, we're taking her to the police station for questioning.

The commotion woke the other queens up and even the kids, they all saw Anne being dragged out of their room.

Liz: Mum..?

Anne: I'll be fine Lizzie.

Liz: Where are they taking you?? Wh-what happened? Mum!

They already took Anne down the stairs as Liz ran after them, pleading for answers and to let Anne go but she was just pushed aside.

Police: Move aside missy, this is only adult stuff.

Liz, murmuring: I bet I'm 400 years older than you bitches-

Mary: Liz what happened?

Liz: I have no idea..

They both watched as the police escorted Anne out the door, then all of the sudden, Liz saw a vivid memory of seeing Anne getting dragged out of court by guards, then back to reality, she stumbled a bit and rubbed her eyes.

Mary: You okay Liz?

Liz: Uhm... yEaH..

Mary: You sure you're not having one of those extreme flashbacks?

Liz thought about it, that little clip of her past 2 year old life was no hallucination, she even remembered looking out through the window, watching her mother's execution, should she tell Mary that she's having a little PTSD moment?

Mary: Elizabeth?

Yeah, yeah definitely, she's your sister after all, she opened her mouth and began fumbling words.

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