Chapter 89: He'd kill me.

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✨Hey y'all! Sorry for the long wait I was just taking a break since alot has happened in 2020, and I was also losing interest in the musical so motivation wasn't an easy thing to have that time but here I am, with another chapter.✨

✨I have not yet loosen interest in SiX completely tho, during the break I was more focused on another musical that really stayed with me, Heathers, so I was more active on another platform related to it.✨

✨But there's no doubt that I'd still continue the book, so, sorry for the long note, and enjoy the chapter!✨

As both stood underneath the pouring rain, Kat couldn't hold the tears anymore as the umbrella shakes within her fist, every tear made a loud splashing sound to her.

Culpeper: Didn't expect you to come back after our little.. session.

Kitty: It's probably because I was pregnant with your child.

The smug look on Culpepers face angers her, maybe even more than anger, Thomas was taken aback by the news and a slight grin makes it way to his lips.

Culpeper: Oh? Where are they? Boy or Girl? Kindly tell them that Daddy is alive..

Kitty: Well, they're not like Daddy anymore.

Thomas went a little confused.

Culpeper: Weird remark but okay, come here Kit.

Culpeper reached out for Kitty's hips but then she immediately slapped his hand away and reached into her bag.

And then she pulled out a can of pepper spray and aimed it right at him.

Kitty: Don't come any closer Thomas. I won't let you do it again—I'm warning you.

Culpeper: I don't think spray cans work under the rain, Who's here to stop me? Your kid?

Kit's eyes widen, and then more tears start coming out as the can shook in her hand, all Culpeper does was stepping closer.

Culpeper: It was fun last time Katherine, but last time was months ago. I need it again.

Kitty: Stop it!

Culpeper: Being brave isn't going to get you away from me, hell not even stop me, Nothing will!

Anne: Oh yeah?

Culpeper: What—

When the words came out of his mouth something struck him by the head and he fell down to the ground, instantly unconscious.

Kitty blinked, it was the queens, they seemed to have followed her.

Kitty: Girls?

Anne: I miss hitting someone on the head -

Anne triumphly stepped on Culpeper and showed off her one and only bat.

Cath: Hold him down-

Cathy: He's unconscious tho-


Cathy: uH YES MAAM

Cath: Actually no, Drag him and bring him to the mansion.

Cathy and Anna agreed and adjusted themselves into the positions that will make them have a more easier way when carrying Culpeper.

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