Chapter 17: Farewell

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Art Credits: mE, I know she has pink hair bUt historically, she didn't die with pink hair—

Sad Warning: MAIN CHR. DEATH


Blood was colouring the green grass as Kitty struggled to breath air, Cathy tried her best to cover the wound to prevent it from bleeding but it was no use.

The figure in the bush was about to shoot Cathy but luckily the others came out just in time to check on the two.

Cath: Girls?? Is everything...

They could hear Anne drop her plate when they all saw what was on the ground.

Anne: K.. Kit..

Anne's vision blurred with tears, she dropped to her knees, she moved Kitty's head to face the girl, her eyes were dull and lifeless barely breathing.

Anne: Wh..what did you—

Cathy: I.. I d-didnt do a-anything!

Anne: You were the only one with her!!

Kitty grabbed Anne's wrist and looked at her dead in the eyes. oop-

Anne: Katherine!

Not saying a word she weakly lifted her free arm and pointed to the bushes, there, a figure waits holding a sniper aiming at them.

Anger fillee Anne she rushed inside and not a minute later, returned with her metal bat.

Jane: Anne wait-

Anne: Someone is losing their head today..

Cath: Anne, dont!

Not listening to the others she approached the person in the bush, they struggled to hold their sniper in place as Anne began getting closer and closer, they ended up shooting in different directions and only got Anne's shoulder.

Before they knew it Anne swung the bat as hard as she could, hitting them in the head, they fell backwards and rolled down and is now on the street.

They stayed there, everything in their body hurts like hell, they saw Anne smirking at them devilishly, they furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, and then realization hit them, like how the truck hit them.

Their now crushed body on the cement, a pool of blood surrounding them, Anne had already ran to the others. Kittys body was gone and so is Cathy , Jane and Cath.

Anna: Why did you-

Anne: Don't ask. Where's Kitty?

Liz: Mum-

Anne: Where's Kitty.

Anna: She's inside.

Anne shoved passed the others and ran to the living room where most of them are.

Anne: What the— Call an ambulance!

Jane: Anne, I'm sorry..

Anne: What? There's still time to call an ambulance-

Cath: That's not what she meant..

Anne: h..huh?-

Anne dropped her bat, frozen.

Anne: What do y-you mean??

Cathy: Anne, she's gone—

Anne: NO SHE'S NOT !

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