Chapter 58: Heaven

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Mannox and Culpeper were at a lake somewhere far, having two bodies in a bag probably rotting, Mannox pulled Cathy's body out first and stares at it for a awhile.

Mannox: Thomas, I think you should chop her head off.

Thomas: ..U-uh, s-s-sure....

Thomas shivered and scratched his chocker, hovering the machete over Cathy's neck, his hands violently shaking as tears weld up in his eyes.

Mannox: Well? I'm waiting.

Thomas: ..J-J-Just shut u-up!

Mannox: And what are you gonna do? Cry?

Thomas: N..N..

The boy threw the machete elsewhere and began clawing his neck, desperate for relief as tears streamed down his cheeks, Mannox crawled over to him and held his shoulders.

Mannox: Kid. Kid, look at me.

He slapped his arm, making Thomas look at him, still scratching his neck.

Mannox: Stop scratching you're gonna hurt yourself.

Henry grabbed his hand and forced it down, Thomas glared at him and pulled it back.

Culpeper: It hurts okay? I can't help myself.

Mannox: You're always helpless.

Culpeper: What does that suppose to

Mannox grabbed the machete that was on the ground and went over to the body as Thomas watched with an unreadable expression.

Mannox: Don't look.

The boy turned his head and closed his eyes tight as he heard the sound flesh being ripped apart and the sound of the water splashing.

Mannox: Done :D

Culpeper: Why are you happy about that-



~Meanwhile in Heaven ¯\_(ツ)_/¯~

Cathy woke up and and everything around was white, someone's body was also laying next to her but they're smaller, like a size of a kid.

Cathy: Am I.. Am I in a hospital?

She propped herself up and looked around.

Cathy: This is a weird hospital.. where's the furniture?

Suddenly a light shined directly Infront of her and a figure with wings began floating down from it, landing on their feet, they looked at Cathy and smiled sweetly.

Cathy: ..Hi; are these the new uniforms for the nurses?-

She said, pointing at what the person was wearing, basically a white dress- the person chuckled lightly and extended their hand, which Cathy reluctantly took.

Angel :D : You're in heaven, sweetie!

Cathy: Ooh okay..

Angel :D :



The person placed a finger on her lips, shushing her.

Angel :D : sHhhHhhHhh, it's not that bad here! don't get me started about Hell- But look around! Here you can do anything!

Cathy: Like, reading? Drinking Coffee? Writing??

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