Chapter 45: Picture

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Russ: .. so Marc-

Marc: What -

Russ: How long are you gonna keep them in there?

Marc: ..half an hour.

Russ: So you're just gonna make them miss a class?-

Marc: Yeah-

Cass: Lori will kill you though-

Marc: Then prepare my funeral-

The teacher began calling names once the bell went off, the two of them parted and listened to the names.

Teacher: Lorraine Cordeigh?

Russ snapped a look to Marc who was nervously sweating-

Teacher: Is Lori here?

The class looked around but found no sign of the girl. The teacher sighed and shrugged.

Teacher: I guess she's absent today—

Student: Actually- she was with us at
first period!

Teacher: Is that so? Then she must've skipped.. kids these days.

Marc let out a sigh of relief before sitting upright again.

Teacher: Elizabeth Tudor?

Once again, silence, Marc awkwardly shifted on his seat, trying to keep a straight face up.

Teacher: Not here too?.. Okay then.

After that they called out a few more names before finally starting the class, Marc nudged Russ' shoulder and the boy turned to look at him with a questioning look-

Russ: What-

Marc: I gotta get those two out of there-

Russ: Funny how you've just thought of that-

Marc: Shut up-

Marc raised his hand earning the teachers attention, They stopped writing and looked over to him.

Teacher: Yes, Adams?

Marc: I need to use the bathroom-

Teacher: Okay, go ahead.

Marcial nodded and headed out through the door, rushing down the stairs to the ground floor where the janitors closet was, when he arrived there he knocked even though he knew that it's just the two of them in there.

Marc: Lori! uh.. Tudor! Are you two still in there?

There was some slight shuffling going on behind the door, Marc unlocked the door and pushed it open, he looked at the ground to see Lori cuddled up to Liz, she was all pale.

Marc: Is she alright?

Liz: I don't know.. she went dizzy all of the sudden awhile ago..

Marc: Oh jeez..

Marc knelt down beside Lori's body and held her hand, surprisingly Lori's free hand slapped it away.

Marc: Ow- Lori-

Lori: Don't touch me you bitch- I'm sleeping.

Marc: Alright, jesus-

Lorraine looked up and found Liz simply looking at her with her green eyes, she felt her cheeks heat up and immediately jerked off her.

Lori: Tudor-

Liz: Hi-

Lori: Why are- How did-

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