Chapter 26: Rod

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Trigger Warning: Abuse...?

The group of four were in their class boring out, they weren't even listening and then Mr. Haywood got a call and excused himself, so there's some time for the students to talk.

Cass: Marc, try these glasses on!

Marc: No way- I'll look like a nerd-

Cass: Just try itt!

Russ: You're already a nerd yourself-

Marc: Fuck off Russ-

Cass: mArciAl.

Marc: I said N O-

Cass: Lorraine!

Lori: There's no fucking way I'm trying.. whatever that is.

Cass: It's glasses- they're cute!

Russ: And pink-

Cass: Yeah? And?

Russ:'s an ew-

Marc: Lori you'll get a cavity if you keep eating those lollipops-

Lori: I'm not eating them, I'm licking them!

Marc: Same thing!

Russ: How about you share?

Lori: No.

Russ: Meanie.

Cass: What about me?

Lori: Sure Cass, here.

Lori hands her a lollipop.

Russ: I- you do have favourites!

Lori: What do you mean?

Cass: I'm better than you Russell-

Lori: Shut up Cass.

Cass: Sorry Lori..

Marc: You're a bit difficult to read-

Lori: It's my sorry gift for slapping her earlier.

Marc: Someone has as a soft side-

Russ: Slap me Lori!

Lori: I would love to-

Mr. Haywood stepped back inside and walked to the front of the class.

Mr.H: Everyone, Elizabeth is in the clinic because she was technically trapped in a locker? She's having some difficulties with breathing, does anybody know about this?

The class went silent, until a kid raised they're hand.

Student: I-I saw Lorraine, Cassandra, Marcial and Russel pushing her in the locker..

Four of them gave their glares at the kid who shakily sat down, Haywood gave them a disappointed look, he walked closer to their desks.

Mr.H: Care to explain..?

Three of them looked like they were on the verge of tears, Lori sighed and stood up.

Lori: I did it, I ordered them to help me out and..

Mr.H: I'm disappointed in you Cordeigh.

Lorraine looked down.

Mr.H: Dragging innocent students with you to do your dirty work is not okay, Detention.

Lori: B-But my parents would-

Mr.H: Enough. You need to learn your actions has consequences, you start now, help out in the clinic till closing.

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