Chapter 86: Paws

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Hey guys remember the collar Anna bought 3900 chapters ago? 😱

Unedited sadly 😔

A gloomy storm rained above everyone, no one spoke for a bit until Anne spits out.

Anne: What?

Kitty: yeah..

Anna: Kitty I'm sorry..

Cath: That demon.

Cathy: How could he?

Jane gently rubbed the shaking girls arm and sighed.

Jane: Sorry girls but we have to go we could continue this conversation later okay?

Anne: Wait Jane-

The blonde just closed the door Infront of her and they all stepped back as the van sped off and left.

The other queens just walked back into the mansion while Anne stared at the gates closing before following behind, moody.

Cathy: Hey, you alright Annie?

Anne: I swear I'm gonna murder him in his sleep.

Cathy: I know how it feels but how about we go ahead and get some work done for the musical? It might make Kit happy when they get back.

Anne thought before nodding and heading inside the mansion.

•--Meanwhile 😎--•
-In a rented beach house.

Mannox: Anyways so I started banging on the door-

Dereham: Not this again..

Mannox: What? Me spilling all the tea on you two is a great story -

Culpeper: Please shut up I beg you..

Mannox: A musician never shuts up !

Dereham: What musician?

Mannox glared and scoffed femininely.

Mannox: Are you insulting me? looks like someones bitt-

Dereham: sHUT UP

Henry: What?

Culpeper: Confusion.

Henry: ....what?

Culpeper: .. LOOK OVER THERE-

Thomas points at nothing and Henry turns himself towards the direction, eyes aimlessly looking around.

Henry: Look where?

Culpeper: Confusion.


Henry: Alright Lads, I've converted another new plan, and I swear it's going to be brilliant.

Mannox: What is it Sire?

Henry: I heard they're working on their own musical.

Mannox: Can they even sing? Please.

Henry: I know, it's stupid, but this might be our chance.

Culpeper: May I ask what the musical is about?

Henry: Something about degrading me in nine songs, how pathetic, songs can't change the worlds view on one person. It's useless.

Mannox: I agree.

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