Chapter 11: Again

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Liz: Mum?

Anne: Elizabeth?

Anne stood there before carefully walking to her daughter, Liz stood up, she pulled out her locket and opened it, looking at the portrait and back up to Anne, she keeps moving her eyes to the portrait and to the woman Infront of her, desperately trying to make sure this is real.

Anne: I'm right here, it's true, you're fine, I'm fine, everything's gonna be okay.. we're back together, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise that.

Elizabeth was already crying just staring at her in disbelief.

Liz: C.. can I h.. hug you?

Anne opened her arms wide, Lizzie wrapped her arms around her mother, and so did Anne. The girl sobbed into the woman's shirt.

The two stayed like that for a long time, in comfortable silence, Jane popped in and watched warmly as the two pulled away , smiling.

Jane: Girls, we'll be waiting for you in the living room, everyone is there.

Anne: On our way, Blondie.

Jane: Don't call me that-

Anne: No.

Jane: Don't ruin the mood Anne-

Anne: I already am-

Jane sighed and climbed down after waving at the two.

Anne: Well shall we go?

Liz nodded and followed her mother down, they walked in the living room and sat on the couch next to Kit, who waved.

Cath: So, now that we have the kids, we should show them around and teach them the new things, amiright?

The queens nodded in agreement, Mary had a confused expression on her face.

Mary: Mother, why are you speaking like that?

Cath: Speaking like what? What's up?

Mary: That! You're combining words?

Cath: You're combining words too though-

Mary: No I'm not-

Ed: You did it again Mary!

Mary: What kind of witchcraft is this?!

Anne: Heyyy, I said that too-

Liz: When did you said that?

Anne: MmMm, I'm not really sure, but it was on our second day in this century, right Queens?

All of them each gave their agreement.

Jane: Anyone want to tell us how you got here?

The three kids looked at eachother, the younger two grinned at Mary, who gave them a face.

Mary: Guess I'll start it- So I woke up in a room with him and her, and also little Mae. And we were all confused, we argued a bit until we all agreed on exploring the place-

Ed and Liz nodded.

Mary: And once we got out of the room, we bumped into Jane Grey, Henry Fitzroy and Mary Stuart-

Cathy: Wait a minute, if you had bumped into them, arent they supposed to be here too?

Mary: Well-

Liz: I'll take it from here Mary-

Mary: Go ahead.

Liz: As she was saying, we found a sign on the wall and a map under it, Me, Mary, Ed and Henry agreed on following it to the destination, Mary S and Jane However, well, mostly Mary, think it was a trap, and decided against it, and it all went like-

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