Chapter 10: Attic

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I thought it said 'Henry' when its actually just 'Henn' btw this is a sack, full of trash-


The rest of the queens barged in their own door and they saw the living room almost empty.

Cathy: Oh my god.

Anna ran to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

Anna: The fridge is half gone!

Anne: The TV is gone too!

Cath: I know its so-

Anne: I was about to watch a show debut in 30 minutes-

Cath: I-

Cathy: Wait, what about the rooms?

Cath: Oh yeah, everyone check your rooms.

Anne and Kitty darted upstairs to their room, Kit let out a gasp as she saw her wardrobe in a mess, Anne's bed was missing some sheets and pillows.

Kitty: My poor clothes-

Anne: My bed-

Kitty: Wait a minute, my sparkly sweater is not in here!

Anne: You mean the one with gemstones?-

Kitty: Yeah- ow-

Kit accidentally hit her healing ankle while trying to get up.

Anne: You alright?

Kitty: Yeah I'm fine-

Cath suddenly screamed from the other side of the wall.

Kitty: But Aragon isnt-

Anne helped Kitty up and the two made their way to the first room, Cathy and Jane came following aswell.

Cathy: Whats happened?

Cath: My rosary's, my holy water, my backup bible they are all gone!

Anne: You have a backup bible?-

Cath: Dont question me because I dont have a normal answer for that, Boleyn.

Anne: Aren't those things kinda like, merch from the church?

Cath: What-

Kitty: Hey that rhymed!

Anne: I know, I'm a genius-

Cath: Rosary's and Bibles aren't mErcH-

Jane: -uH, my jacket got stolen and Cathy's blanket aswell.

Anna: I got nothing stolen so far-

Kitty: Awe man, why are you the most lucky one all the time?

Anna: Because I deserve it.

Kitty: nO fAir.

Anna: Because of my great 'luck' , I got to meet you.

Kitty: I- well-

Cathy watched the two, watched as how Kit blushed a bit and adorably looks at the other direction. For some reason she felt sad, she can't say its jealousy because its not or is it-

Anne: AnNa.

Jane: nO tOucHy.

Anna: wait no-

Both of them lounged at Anna as Cath was having a mini search party by herself, which leaves Cathy and Kitty standing in the doorway.

Kitty walked over to Cathy's side without her noticing, sighed and leans her head on Cathy's shoulder, the girl jumped a bit.

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