Chapter 91: We Rule Us

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Cathy spins her chair to face the other queens who were all sitting and waiting on the bed, huddled all together actually.

Cathy: “Well, that's basically everything, every song, all the skits. I just need to send these to Toby and Lucy.”

Kitty: “Who?-”

Cathy: “Authors- like they'll make a musical out of it.”

Anne: “I thought we were making a movie-”

Cath: “We were planning a musical from the start you gremlin.”

Anne: “I do not recall.”

Cathy, chuckling: “No love, we're not making a movie..”

Cathy stood up and took the USB out, smiling at it. But the smile eventually faded away when the bittersweet reality came looming over her, and the other queens felt it.

Jane: “Very sad we don't get to perform it ourselves.”

Kitty: “Me too, I've always wanted to sing, ever since I was born... the first time-”

Anna: “So, Cathy sends it to the two, and then we?”

Cathy: “Yes, that.”

The queens nodded silently as Cathy headed for the door, and once she did, Anne picked up a piece of paper sitting on the desk, a scrap song filled with scribbles of pink, red, green... All the colors you can imagine.

Anne: “Its not fair. Why can't we live the life we deserve.”

Cath: “Because we've already lived, and died. There's nothing for us here in this century and time of the world.”

Anna: “Plus we nearly died like, a few hundreds of times.”

Jane: “We should talk to the kids.”

They soon heard a creak of the bathroom door, and a second passed it was all of the kids falling into a pile.

Mary: “Everyone landed on me, WHY DOES IS HAVE TO BE ME?!”



Mezza: “No one was even stable In the first place if you get my drift.”


Jane: “What on earth were you all doing in the bathroom??”

Mary: “Definitely wasn't eavesdropping.”

Anne: “That just confirms that you WERE eavesdropping.”

Elizabeth: “Come on mum the apartment is so small we can hear everything!”

Anne: “Doesnt mean you lot should listen to adult talk-”

Elizabeth: “BUT”

They all continued to argue about the bathroom scandal.

Eventually the smarter one came back home and had to help deal with everyone, miraculously doing so successfully and was able to having everyone sitting in the room.

Anne: “Okay so, my amazing wife has doxxed that Henrat bastard, which means we can go to him now.”

Cath: “And.. do you have a plan for this..?”

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