Chapter 44: Closet

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Lori: A-are you serious..?

Marc: Do it, if you don't want me to tell.

Lori: Goddamnit Marc.

Cass: Can we go get her? •^•

Marc: Sure, you two do that while I get Lori to the place.

After that he took Lori's hand and led her into the inside, the other two looked at eachother for a sec before walking over to the other group.

Russ: Where's Elizabeth.

Roy: Who are you—

Janie: sHhhHhh.

Edward stood up and went over infront of them, nervously crossing his arms.

Ed: What do you two want?

Cass: We want your sister, little man.

Ed: I- excuse me?

Russ: Now move over.

Ed then took out a toothbrush from his pocket and began swinging it around.


Roy: Wait—

Ed: *unholy screaming*

Cass groaned and snatched the toothbrush from his hands and breaks it in half, throwing it somewhere.

Ed: 👁️👄👁️💧

Everyone: 👁️👄👁️

Cass: We want the girl now.

Mezza: She's not here right no—

Liz: tAKE ME-

Mezza: For fuccs sake Liz-

Liz: But, in return you have to buy my brother another toothbrush-

Cass: .... No, now Russ, grab her.

Liz: wAiT yOu diDnT aGrEe-

Russ grabbed her arm and dragged her to the hallways, the other kids awkwardly sat there whilst Cass was watching them.

Mae: S-so, you're not going to buy Eddy a new toothbrush?

Cass: Awwe, of course not darling..

Mae: But why though?

Cass: Because—

Ed: sHesS a dEmOn-

Cass: . . . Child, c'mere..

Mae got up and walked over to Cass, who covered her ears before glaring at Edward.

Cass: Okay, listen here you little shit—


Russ shoved pass students dragging the girls arm as he made his way to the end of the hallway, he saw Marc tapping his foot and crossing his arms while looking at him.

Marc: What took you so long??

Russ: Cassandra went off-

Marc: Oh, well hurry up then she's already in here.

Liz: Why are you guys forcing me in a janitors closet?-

Marc: Because the janitor is absent today. Now get in.

Liz: wait-

Russ once again pushed her in the small room and Marc closed the door, locking it.

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