Chapter 72: Electrodes

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Lori: E-Elizabeth?

Liz: Yeah..?

Lori: Are you o-okay?

Liz: Oh I'm very pissed! They shot my gucci bag that I stole from Lettice's closet!

Elizabeth held up the sling bag, there was a bullet hole in it and Lizzie began complaining.

Liz: -And its so shiny as well!—

Lori: Liz..

Lori fell to the ground, her hand pressed against her side and she's clearly bleeding, that's when Lizzie remembered, there were two gunshots, and the bag only had one bullet hole.

Liz: L-Lori wait- hold on okay??

The girl on the floor just nodded, shutting her eyes whilst focusing on breathing, her side was literally killing her as blood painted the cold tiles under her.

Liz dropped to her knees next to Lori, and brought her up her lap, holding her, before taking out her phone, but luckily, someone in the crowd had already called the ambulance. Paramedics came rushing in the airport and took Lori away, while the cops took Lizzie aside and asked her some questions.

Cop 1#: Do you know what happened?

Liz: Of course I do..- I think?

Cop 1#: What do you remember before your friend got shot?

Lizzie cringed at the word "friend" but was able to hide it and just nodded.

Liz: We were saying goodbye to eachother..

Cop 1#: Is that all?

Liz: ..uhm... she was aggressively complimenting me about my hair bun-

Cop 1#: ...

Liz: ...

Cop 1#: Ok..

Another cop quietly went up to Cop 1# and whispered into his ear.

Cop 2#: This is the man you were looking for.

Cop 1#: ...That sounds gay...

Cop 2#: jUst—

Cop 1#: Oh wait, Thomas Seymour?

Cop 2#: Yes.

Cop 1#: Good, make sure he doesn't get away this time..

Cop 2# nodded and headed back to the other cops, Lizzie's eyes followed them until she saw the blonde man, Thomas, grinning at her, but she can tell from his face that he's tired and disappointed about something, they stared at eachother in suspense before the cops yanked him to his feet and dragging him to the police car, she lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

Cop 1#: Right? I'm glad he's finally caught.

Liz: Huh?-

Cop 1#: Oh, you just seemed relieved that he's off to jail now.

Liz: Trust me, I am..

She shuddered at the memories with him, that moment where you can't seem to move or even yell anything, she had to be honest, it still haunts her in this life.

Cop 1#: Looks like your friend is already up.

Liz: Wait, really?-

Cop 1#: Yeah-

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