Chapter 56: Moments

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You guys are going to murder me for this and I'm not sorry-

TW: d e a t h, and gore (?)


It was a "normal" Sunday morning and everyone was at the living room, watching some show that I'm too lazy to choose.

Jane: I cannot believe you guys dyed Kit's hair piNk yesterday-.

Anna: hEy- atleast it's not all of it.

Kitty: Anne just told me to dip my hair into the bathtub...

Mezza: You guys used the tub?-

Kitty: Yeah-

Jane: Anne-

Anne: I wasn't the one who was so loud yesterday!

Everyone: 👁️👄👁️

Jane stopped and quickly looked away, fiddling with her fingers, clearly embarrassed as Cath sweats, Anne saw this and smiled with pride. Before turning her attention back to the TV.


Anne: Thats a bad move-

Anna: That's actually a smart move in my opinion..

Anne: Well, I disagree, because if he just press that button while running he could've escaped..

Anna: If he did press that button he could've been captured- look how close the police are-

Anne: He's as fast as that blue hedgehog, blue flying-horse, and that red flashy guy combined! He could've outrun or something-

Roy: You just ruined childhoods..

Mary: Agreed.

Kitty: I don't think that's humanly possible aNnIe-

Anne: I know speed when I smell it-

Cath: You can't smell speed how—

They heard a thud from the upstairs, Cathy sighed and got up from Anne's side.

Anne: Oop- Where ya going?

Cathy: It's probably my stack of books, I'll go fix it for a second and I'll be right back.

Anne: Okie doks-.

Anne quickly took the remote and turned it up to full volume, earning complaints from the kids and a glare from Cath.

Anne: What?

Cath: Nothing..

Jane sighed and looked over to Cathy.

Jane: This is why I want to buy you a bookshelf-

Cathy: nO nEeD.

Mae: Mama! I wanna help-

Cathy: Sure Mae-

Mae: But first- I need to finish this scene.

Cathy: I- Okay.. don't take long though..

Mae: I wont mama!

Cathy smiled at her daughter and quietly went up the stairs to her room, she was surprised that her stack of books was still standing, she rubbed her neck and hummed, it was probably the neighbors, at least that's what she assumed until the door was suddenly slammed shut behind her.

Before she could process anything a hand roughly covered her mouth as she feels a slow sharp pain go through her head, her body was then placed down to the floor, and the person began to stab her so many times.

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