Chapter 77: Stitch

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Francis: Hun, where's our 4th limo?-

Mrs. Knollys: Huh?

Francis: Our 4th limo isn't in the garage.

Mrs. Knollys: It probably got stolen, we'll just buy another one tomorrow.

Francis: Oh alright, I should probably hire more guards in this place.

Both of them then returned to the living room, having no idea where their limo went, even if they're living in a mansion.

Anna: Hey Kit, watch this.

Anna pressed a button and Kit's window opened, Kit gasp a little and turned back to the girl beside her with new found curiosity.

Kitty: How'd you do that?

Anna: ✨buttons✨

Kitty: Oooh press another one!

Anna: Sure-

She looked around and pressed another button, this one turned the lights on in the inside of the limo, the other queen's also noticed.

Cath: Jesus..?

Anne: What's going on over there?

Anna: We're trying out buttons-

Anne, hopped up from her seat and went off to where Anna and Kitty are, behind their seats, she looked down at the sets of buttons and focused on the one caught her eye, the green one, she pointed at it.

Anne: What does that one do?

Anna: I don't know, one way to find out.

Anna then pressed the button Anne pointed at, immediately they heard something mechanical going on behind them, the queens turned their heads and saw a disco ball emerging from the limos roof, and then it began turning, shining lights at everyone's faces, music booming from the speakers.

Anne: Niicee-

Anne then went on in a solo dance, going along with the loud music which irritated Catherine a little.

Cath: Anna turn it off-

Anna: Can't hear you- I'm driving!

Cath: hHHHH- Boleyn turn it off-

Anne: Come on Aragonn don't kill my fun! Let me be happyy-

Cath: I-

The girl in green stole a glance to Cathy who was looking down to her shoes, she would love to dance with her right now, but right now doesn't really sound like the best time.

Anne: Blondie- get over here-

Jane: Me?-

Anne: Of course you're literally the only blonde in here-

Jane: Oh yeah- Well, I guess it would be fun.

The blonde got up from her seat, dancing along with her cousin while Kitty clapped to the beat, Anna also joined by tapping the steering wheel, Cath sighed and decided to just dance along with the other two, leaving behind Cathy on the seat.

Anne: Anna, can one of those buttons give us a drink?-

Anna looked down, and pushed a random button, and then something opened from behind her seat, a couple of champagne bottles came out of it along with some fancy glass cups.

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