Chapter 24: First Day

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Mezza and Liz barely made it in their classroom, most of the kids had already been assigned in their seats so both of them had to awkwardly stand there waiting for a teacher to come.

They were soon followed by the same group of kids from earlier, obviously Lorraine was on the front looking even more pissed than before then the other three came in with Russ having a black eye with Cass and Marc laughing at him.

Liz glanced at Lori, she could swear Lori glanced back but she thought it was just her head, brushing it off, and finally the bell rang the students stopped talking and silently did their thing, then the teacher opened the door he looked at Liz and Mezza and let out a small smile and went to his desk.

He clapped his hands and everyone turned their attention to him.

Teacher: Everyone, I would like to introduce two new students today. They weren't here last week because of some events.

Her turned to face the two.

Teacher: Would you kindly introduce yourself up front?

Liz nudged Mezza to the front earning a glare from her cousin as she chuckled.

Mezza: Hey- I'm Mary Stuart and there's not much about me so I'm gonna say this, I'm 14 and live in a big ass household. The end.

A few laughed, because of this, Mezza smiled, and now it was Lizzie's turn.

Liz: Hi! My name's Elizabeth tUdOr, my family calls me Liz or Lizzie, I'm also 14 and we share the same household apparently- and..

She caught sight of a pair of blue eyes looking at her, Lorraine's. She couldn't even look away and couldn't focus on what she's saying.

Liz: A..and uhm-

Lori notices and surprisingly smirked at the girl.

Liz: U-uh- yEa- that's all-

Liz retreated to Mezza and let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Teacher: Lovely, time to assign seats then, Mary, you sit next to Amy Robsart, Amy, raise your hand.

A brunette from the far left of the room eagerly raises her hand, Mezza gave Liz a two thumbs up before walking to the seat next to Amy.

Teacher: Aannndd, Liz, you sit with.. Lorraine Cordeigh, Lorraine?

Lori slightly raises her hand and gives Liz a little wave. Liz sighed in defeat and walked to the seat next to the window and Lorraine, to make things worse Mezza was across the room so she couldn't even do anything-

Teacher: oKay, so- my name's Mr. Haywood, just call me sir, or something like that, anyway-

Liz was just looking out her window, thinking which snack she's gonna take out of the fridge when they get back home, then someone tapped her shoulder, she turned around to see Lori-

Lori: Let me borrow a pencil.

Liz: Why would I do that-

Lori: Just give me a pencil then I won't bother you! Don't make this difficult.

Liz: You can bother me all day if you want, I'm used to it with 6 kids, 4 aunts and 1 mom living with me so-

Lori: I just want a pencil, I don't care about your family or whatever.

Liz: And what if I don't?

Lori: I'll fuck you up all day.

Lizzie can feel her cheeks burn up and paused.

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