Chapter 28: Café

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Y'all don't know how flippin' excited I was to write this chapter-


Everyone was outside of the house impatiently waiting for Anne who was somewhere no one knows, She said it would only take a minute as she walked upstairs, the girl was in her room and was at Kit Kingdom, Anne searched through the cleaned area and finally found Kit's flute, the girl sat down on the bed and took out a light blue ribbon she stol- she found in Cathy's room and tied it around in a simple way.



She sighed and neatly placed the flute on the pillows and walked downstairs meeting the others.

Cathy: Are you alright? What were you doing up there?

Anne: I was just opening my eyes to see that every single one of us has struggled, badly. Aragon, pushed aside.. Jane, pressured.. Anna, wasted..  Kit, abused.. Cathy, forced.. Mary, neglected.. Lizzie, unloved.. Eds, too many expectations.. Mez, betrayed.. Janie, Forgotten.. Roy, labelled a bastard.. and Mae, ignored by history.

They looked at her with sad eyes.

Anne: And I'm sorry for the things I said wrong about you all.. especially you, Aragon.. come to think of it, it was all my fault.. if I hadn't show up none of this would happened! Jane could've lived longer, Anna wouldn't be crushed- Kitty could've lived pass 20!—

Cath: Anne, Anne stop right there- listen, none of this is your fault and it's obvious that we all agree here, right?

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Anna: Come onn, it was all Tyrant VIII's fault, his eyes were unfaithful!

Cath: Exactly-

Cathy: I like the new name-

Mary: Tyrant VIII- that's perfect.

Jane: Besides Anne, don't act like you don't have a struggle yourself too.

Anne: I..I guess I do..

Ed: I declare gROUP HUG!

Anne: Wait no-

Everyone attacked Anne with hugs and laughs, they stayed like that for a couple of minutes before letting go and agreed on doing their original plan on going to the park, the park was not so far from where they live and decided to just walk their way there.


When they got there, the park was filled with people, signs, and the colour blue was everywhere, some were just standing around since there weren't enough chairs for everyone, the person on the stage spoke confidently and very clearly on what they were saying.
They stood with the crowd and listened silently, the mic was fairly loud.

-: This is a problem that we were barely aware of! Children from around the world are suffering from abuse, wether it's verbal, physical, or even sexual! It has to stop and that's what matters! Nobody deserves to go through this no matter how different they are! This is affecting children's mindset and how they view the world of whatever God knows what!

Liz looked around the people, all of their eyes focused on the person who was speaking on the stage and she spotted a familiar girl sitting on a nearby bench, also listening to the speech, out of curiosity she approached her.

Liz: Lorraine?

Lori: Huh? Wha- ... Oh Elizabeth I didn't see you there- uhm..

Liz examined the girl, she was wearing  a long-sleeved shirt but it was obvious that theres bandages underneath, scratch that, every bit of her limbs are bandaged and a bit of her face has bruises.

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