Chapter 85: Who did it

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Aye it's been weeks♥️


Francis had shortly arrived later that morning, when Cat told him about what happened with the bear and all, he quickly told her that the trip is over and that he'll arrived a little late because he has to prepare for what he assumed to be a deep cut or something, but fortunately, it was only mild injuries (?)

Francis: There we go, good as new...

The man let's go of Cath's ankle, which had been hurting since the night before, Catherine brought up her knee to her chest and began to feel the bandages around her ankle.

In fact, both she and Anne were almost covered in bandages.

Anne: Look Blondie, I'm a mummy-

Jane: Don't unwrap it Anne-

Francis: Now that you're all fixed up I suppose I should advise all of you to pack up your things while I check with Katherine at the other room.

Ed: Aw, we're going home so soon?

Mezza: Ed- are you serious? I can't live without WiFi services, there's no point on going out here anyway-

Liz: . . . Go off then—

Mezza: Shut up-

Anna: Wait wait- hold up, pack? There's still one of us missing probably lost out in the woods with that hideous bear!

Francis: I mean we should pack up so that when we find the child we could leave immediately.

Anna: Finding a missing person doesn't always end overnight.

Francis sighed and picked up his kit, and headed off to the door to Kit's room, but stopped midway to look over at his shoulder.

Francis: We'll find her, promise.

They then heard the door shut, there was just silence floating in the air for a solid second.

Anne: Speaking of missing.. wheres Cathy?


Cathy stared blankly at it, blinking, every time she blinks it felt like she's getting closer, until she stood on the rocks near the waterfall.

With no thought in mind whatsoever her hand reached for the falling water, it passes through it and so did her body, resulting to being completely drench in cold liquid, when she noticed that she didn't meet a wall, he eyes lit up when she encountered a cave.

With something laying on the ground.

Cathy snapped a twig and began poking on it, It didn't show any sign of movement apparently, only breathing ever so lightly.

Cathy: What are you...?

The thing flinched and backed away so quickly, Cathy took a step back as well, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness until she could make out what she's seeing.

Cathy: Mae..?!

The shadow lets out a little gasp and immediately ran over to Cathy, and jumped into her arms, the smell was rather quite unpleasant to Cathy, taking in that Mae was drenched in mud, sweat, dirt and rain, her clothes were unbearably dirty as well.

Cathy: I thought I lost you- again! Are you alright? Did you get any bruises??

The woman proceeds to scavenge the girl for any sign of pain, there were a few scratches here and there, Mae was also looking at something not too far from them.

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