Chapter 53: Stay

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gUys pLeaSe pRePaRe yOurSelVes-
I'm tELliNg yOu-
Im just gonna- 🏃💨

Two days had passed since the incident, everything seemed to be going back to normal, until that faithful meeting with four kids.

Russ: What?! Why?

Lori: I just feel like I'm going to be safer there..

Cass: *aggressively crying* Wh-What about u-us??

Lori: We'll keep in touch I promise!-

Cass just kept crying and pulled Lori into a tight hug along with Russ whilst Marc was painfully silent, looking away from the group.

Lori: Marcial?

Marc: ..I-I hope your happier there..

She could see a tear escape his eye in which her quickly wiped away, Lori sighed and just hugged him from behind, he blushed and was desperately trying to hide it with his scarf.

Lori: I'm sorry okay? You can be mad if you want but you can't stay like that forever, can you?

Marc groaned, turning around and just hugged Lori while finally letting tears fall.

Marc: I'm not mad, I'm j-just disappointed that I can't be with you everyday...

Lori: You three can literally visit me.. why be dramatic?-

Russ: I know right?-

Cass: You're crying Russel..
Cass pointed to Russ' eyes.

Russ: tHaTs n-Not tEaRs-

Cass: Oh suree I totally believe you-

Russ: Is that sArCasM I hear?-

Cass: wHat dOes iT sOuNd liKe- yOu iDiOt-

Russ: biAtCh-

Lori: You two shut up and hug me-

The two were about to come closer when Marc suddenly turned around while still hugging Lori, glaring at them-

Marc: No touch, Dis mine.

Lori: M-Marc-

Cass: Yes touch, Dat mine!

Lori: ಠ_ಠ... cOuGh

Russ: Yes touch, we share?

Marc: No, mine.
He hugged Lori tighter.

Russ: You selfish asshOlE-

Marc: oH so you wanna go?-

Russ: TrY mE-

He lets go of Lori as she quickly walked to Cass' side while the other two began killing eachother.

Cass: Hey, Lorraine..

Lori: Yeah?

Cass: Promise we'll keep in touch?

Lori: Of course I will..

Cass: Also, can you tell me to shut up one m—

Lori: Shut up Cass.

Cass: :)

Lori: :)

Cass: ಥ_ಥ

Lori: •-•

Cass, crying, again: gOdDamNiT iM gOnNa miSs yOu tErRibLy-

Lori: Oh Cass—

Cass: iTs wOuLdnT bE tHe sAmE wiThoUt yOu- pLeAse cOnsIdeR liVinG wiTh mEe-

Lori: I've already collected my papers from the school-  I'm not even a student here anymore-

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