Chapter 37: Kidnapped

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Hi :) unedited yet.

Here's Lizzie from Mary's vision from last chapter-

What do you guys think about this trash? :D

When the ambulance arrived Cath jumped into the back with Mary whilst the rest of the queens plan to take the car, leaving the kids behind.

Liz: Wait- Mum let me come with you!

Ed: M-me too..

Jane: I'm sorry but you two need to stay-

Ed hugged Janes arm and looked up at her with a desperate look in his eyes.

Ed: Please.. I hate seeing Mary like this and I want to be with her!

Jane huffed and tried to tug her arm away from her sons grip but it was no use, she looked at Anne seeking for help.

Anne: Okay fine, you two can come with us, now get in the car.

Jane: Henry, watch over Mae, Janie and Mezza while we're gone okay?

Roy: Why can't one of you stay?-

Jane: I—

Anna honked the car and Jane ran to the backseat slamming the door in the process.

Jane: One of us will be back soon just wait okay?-

Roy just nodded and watched as the car followed the ambulance in full speed. Roy sighed and wiped his tears he ushered the girls back in the house as it was still dark outside, once everyone is in the boy locked the door and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Janie: Y-you think Mary will make it?

Mezza: I'm not sure if she will.. I mean did you see her just minutes ago?!

Roy: Mez, don't say such things! Mary will make it and I'm sure she'll pull through!

Roy slammed the glass on the counter and picked Mae up who was obviously scared.

Mae: What's happened to Mary?

Roy: Just short breathing it's okay..

Mezza: Short-breathing is life threatening!

Roy: Mezza! What did I say!

Mae shivered and hugged the boy holding her laying her head on his shoulder trying not to make a sound.

Roy: Oh look, You scared Mae what's wrong with you?-

Mezza: Me?? You scared her by screaming in her ear!

Roy: Not my fault that you wanted Mary dead!

Mezza: I did not say that!

Janie: Guys! You're both scaring her!

Janie marched over to Roy and pulled Mae to her arms to take her to the living room, the argument grew loud in the kitchen as both of them tried to distract themselves by watching TV.

Mae: Janie?

Janie: hm?

Mae: Can we watch a movie?-

Janie: Sure, what do want to watch?

Mae: Ci—

Mae was cut off by something banging on the door from outside, Roy appeared from the kitchen, fuming.

Janie: Who is it?

Roy: Probably one of the aunts..

Roy unlocked the door and slowly pulled the doorknob, opening it, only to reveal a man with dirty blonde hair, scars connecting on his face and an eye as white as paper.

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