Chapter 30: Find Them

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Don't know what to draw today so here's an early design of the queens :)


Anne was taken aback and had no idea what was happening or what to do, but then she just thought: 'Screw it-' and kissed right back, it turned rough, to the point where they didn't care of what was going around them, Anne threw her arms around Cathy's neck pulling her closer, deepening the kiss, eventually they pulled away trying to catch their breaths.

Anne: ..Holy—

Cathy: Shh..



Anne: Your eyes look hot-

Cathy: Thanks... wait a minute-...

They heard a small celebration from downstairs.

Jane: The door is now fixed-

Kitty: Yaayy!

Cath: What about the floor?-

Anna: No one cares about that for now-

Anne looked at Cathy with hope shining in her green eyes.

Anne: So.. what was that about?..

Cathy: I don't know, I just had the urge ..

Anne: No sparks or anything??

Cathy pecked her lips making the girl blush, she grinned and hugged her.

Cathy: I didn't saw a spark..

Anne immediately saddened and felt like she wanted to cry until Cathy pulled away and looked at her.

Cathy: I saw fireworks.

Anne beamed her a smile and jumped into Cathy's arms, Parr began to spin, earning giggles from Anne she laughed too as she starts getting dizzy and stopped.

Anne: Wait.. does that mean we're dating?

Cathy: If you want to then—

Anne: I'd love to!

She brought Cathy into a big hug and kissed her cheek before running down the stairs already a blushing mess, Cathy stood there still processing on what on earth she just did, sHe kiSsEd aNnE tHatS wHat sHe diD- Cathy's eyes widened and started g a y panicking in the hallway.

Cathy: Wait a minute iF I kissed Anne- does that mean- wAit nO- actually yEs- but then again, wHy wOulD sHe kiSs bAck- She probably hates me- she can dump my ass on next year's April fools  and say iT wAs a pRank- wait- Anne is not that cruel-

Cathy sighed and miserably walked to her room closing the door behind her, too many good things happened in one day, speaking of which she took out two boxes and started doing stuff to it.


Jane: Thanks so much for the help you guys-

Tom: No problem, we gotta go now, we'll see you around?

Jane: Oh absolutely.

Aimie: Bye guyss!

They all waved at each other as the two closed the door, Kitty looked around admiring the house, she missed this place so much and wanted to just hug the place like a little teddy bear, she felt tears in her eyes as she saw the picture by the TV all she could think of were memories! Even if they're boring memories she doesn't really care as long as everyone is happy and this house is in it, it's perfect.

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