Chapter 19: New Bond

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So, I'm more sane this time and I hope that this chapter will be better-

Btw, thx for 1k+ reads :'³

'Twas another day without Kitty, Anne got up and stretched her limbs and stared at Kitty's side of the room, it was dark on that side, the windows were closed, and most of her stuff were pushed up to the corner of the room, and it was clean, too clean.

Anne had not wore anything colorful yet, and neither did the others, but they are doing much better than earlier days, she fixed herself up and glanced at Kit kingdom one more time before going to the kitchen.

There, she found Jane cooking breakfast as usual, Anna swore that Jane could start a restaurant, but Jane prefer a salon instead, which is far from what they expected, but it was fine-

Anne: Morning Blondie-

Jane: I have a frying pan- Oh Anne- why are you here?-

Anne: . . . I'm hungry-

Jane: Oh yea- can you help me out here?

Anne: Make the person who usually helps you help-

Jane gave Anne a sad expression.

Jane: She can't help me now though..

Anne: Oh..

A few seconds of silence passed before Anne sat up and walked to Jane's side.

Anne: What do I do?-

Jane smiled at Anne.

Jane: Make the coffees and Hot chocolates.

Anne: Wait, you make hot chocolates??

Jane: Yeah? For the kids- oh shoot..

Anne: yOuRe tEllinG mE tHat yOuRe giVinG mE cOfFeE-

Jane: Forgive me pls-

Anne: nO- this is unacceptable- you know how sugarholic my child is-

Jane: i diDnT kNoW tHaT-

Anna: Morning bit-

Jane & Anne: N O

Anna: The kids aren't even awake though-

Jane: ಠ_ಠ

Anne: ┐( ˘_˘)┌

Anna: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Jane: Why did you flip the table-

Anna: It deserves it-

Jane: No it doesn't-

Anne: I'm gonna go to my room-

Jane: iT dEsErvEs jUstiCe-

Anna: iT hAs nO feEliNgs-

Jane: Plants are alive right?

Anna: . . Yes?

Jane: Humans are alive?

Anna: Mhm.

Jane: Trees starts off like a plant, right?

Anna: ..Maybe?

Jane: We get wood from trees..?

Anna: Yes-

Jane: This table, is made out of wood.

Jane: (・ω・)つ ┻━┻

Anne: Jane- I think thats too far-


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