Secret Plan

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Peridots POV
While heading back to aqua and lapis I noticed both of them shooting suspicious glances in my direction. I'm not a secretive type and my limited interaction with topaz prior to this makes it even stranger.
"So what was the big plan?"
"If I told you how there wouldn't be a point in being sneaky in the first place"
"Can I know?"
"Yeah actually I need you for the plan"
I signaled lapis to come closer so I could whisper in her ear.
"I'm thinking of planning something for aqua's birthday, it's next month"
I made it seem like I was whispering but it was definitely loud enough for aqua to hear it. I took a glance over to her and saw her face light up just slightly, before she turned away to make it seem like she hadn't heard.
"I'll tell you more about it later"
    Topaz had to have heard for sure hopefully she'll stick to that alibi. I don't see why she's willing to go against aqua but that's not my place to find out.
"So I'm the only one who doesn't get to know?"
"Oh well now I'm under the impression that it's about me"
"Damn wonder what gave that away"
Great she fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
    The rest of our interaction was short lived since it was about time to head home. We all went to the parking lot, said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I waited until aqua was completely out of ear shot before I relaxed a bit. Who knew this would be so stressful. Aqua is genuinely starting to give me the creeps with more I find out though.
"Sooooo what's the plan?"
    I had almost forgotten that I hadn't told lapis anything yet but it seems that her curiosity is a good reminder.
"Well we didn't actually talk about birthday plans for starters though now it feels like it would make a great cover up to do something anyway"
"What did you talk about?"
"Get this but topaz actually kinda sold aqua out"
"Really I thought they were close friends"
"Well they only said 'she likes to mess with people' but that has to mean something"
It wasn't something you told someone if it didn't have any significance. That has to mean that she also likes to mess with us or I guess lapis more than me. It was almost confirmation that there was something there and almost a reason for it. She just likes messing with people there's no bending over backwards for a hidden motive or plot.
"Do you think that means us?"
"Cmon lapis it has to mean us, why would topaz say something like that with zero context unless they knew that we knew that something was there"
"I don't know peri it just doesn't seem like aqua"
"What do you about aqua? Can you confidently say that she could never be the type to have ulterior motives"
I knew there would be resistance since aqua did a good job of earning lapis's trust but she failed at getting to me.
"She is your friend so I see where this gets messy but don't trust her as much as you do, there's almost nothing we know about her"
"Look what if your wrong"
"Then we never speak of this again no harm no foul. Now if I'm right we distance ourselves from her cut whatever she has planned off before she starts it"
    Lapis is a soft person whether she believes that or not. She isn't easily trusting or super approachable but if she does trust someone she's very vulnerable around them. Luckily she has me and Steven right now but she's nearing that point with aqua.
"If we are wrong we lose nothing and if we are right we prevent something let's just see it through"
"Yeah okay, I'll set up the fake birthday surprise, you go do whether Sherlock Holmes stuff you're up to"
"Sounds good Watson"
"Ew peri"
"Whattt I think it's cute"
"It's super cheesy"
"And now you've ruined the moment"

Lapis POV
    I don't think there's any ground to whatever peridot is doing but it won't hurt anyone to look into it. At least this birthday excuse means I can actually plan something cohesive for aqua's birthday, even if it is a cover up. That being said I have no clue what aqua marine likes.
    A surprise party might be the best idea, she did have a party at her place that one time so she must like them. I can ask topaz to take her out of her house for a while and set it up there. It'll also give peri a chance to talk with topaz some more. I do need their number though.
    Getting their number is a tricky thing since I don't want to have to ask aqua marine for it. I'm not close with topaz and it would be too much socializing to ask for it directly. Despite topaz being with aqua all the time this might be the most I've noticed them. They are very quiet and not there. It's almost as if you could easily forget they exist if you aren't reminded enough. I've never met someone like that, I guess garnet to some extent in the whole silent, slightly intimidating category. Though garnet seems to have more free will.
    I guess I should just ask aqua marine. It's not like she doesn't suspect something already.
Lapis: hey, could I get topaz's number by any chance
Aqua: What for?
Lapis: nothing special
Aqua: Does it have something to do with your "secret plan"?
Lapis: no
Aqua: Oh, well it's (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Lapis: thanks ttyl
Aqua: No conversation? Just a favor?
Lapis: yep
    She knew what was up as expected. I guess we are super obvious, at least she doesn't know what we are planning. Granted I don't even know what I'm planning. Well I have topaz's help now so there's That. How the hell do you plan a surprise part anyway?

Hope everyone had a good holiday! I took a short break before this update since Christmas and New Years was busy. Did anyone manage to do anything fun with the whole virus this year?

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