Party Planner

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Lapis POV
Peridot put me in charge of a surprise party that being said I have no clue how to plan one, go figure that having no friends meant having no experience on things like this. At least I have the help of topaz now though I also don't know if that's any actual help. Gotta start somewhere I guess
Lapis: hey this is lapis I got your number through aqua
Topaz: hi
Lapis: so for the surprise party I want to do it at aquas place but she would need to not be there while we set up
Topaz: ok
Maybe that means she'll take care of it? That's a little tricky to understand. Hopefully she'll take care of it. Alright so that would give me some time to decorate and get all the people ready.... all the people who I don't know how to contact. Crap.
Lapis: you wouldn't happen to know who aqua would like to have at her birthday right?
Topaz: yeah
Lapis: can you contact them?
Topaz: yeah
Feels like I'm talking to a wall here but at least its reliable. I'll need to get food, drinks, decor, cake and something. What is at a party again? Oh right I have to buy a present. Well shit I have no clue what aqua would like as a present.
I genuinely thought this would be easy after sorting out the guests and surprise element but I had completely forgotten about the whole birthday element. Food and drinks are easy, get enough alcohol and pizza and you could fuel any college party. Decor is new but it's not like I can't blow up balloons or something.
    I put it off for now and decide I'll just ask peridot for suggestions. I decide to get the easy stuff out of the way and make a list of whatever we need.
-Alcohol (a lot)
-snacks (chips or whatever)
-drinks (water or soda)
-food (prob pizza)
-decorations (balloons, streamers, banner etc)
-cups and plates
    Being mostly broke and relying on peridot half the time means that I will be going to the dollar store for as much of this as possible. Cheap beer is all they can expect though considering they probably have had worse I don't think anyone will mind.
"What's up you seem focused?"
"You can tell when I'm focused?"
"Let's just say it's rare"
I guess I'm not nearly as much of a nerd as peri but it's not like I never think.
"I'm planning stuff out for your little fake surprise you got us into"
"Just get like cheap booze"
"There's more to a party than inexpensive alcohol"
"Guess food and stuff"
"Yeah the tricky part here is the present though"
Aquamarine strikes me as the type to already own anything she wants. She also never states her interests or anything so I don't know what to get her at all.
"Isn't the party present enough?"
"Don't think that's gonna work out super well"
"Well what does she like?"
"If I knew I wouldn't be struggling so much"
"Guess your going to need a little investigation of your own now"
This wasn't much of a problem back when I didn't talk to anybody and honestly saving money on birthdays is a good reason to not talk to people.
"It's the thought that counts lapis"
"I'm not much of a thinker"
I could write a letter but I suck at writing also that's probably the cheesiest idea possible. I could try to make something? I guess I'm not horrible at painting but I'm not exactly good enough to be giving it away.Alright guess I'm going to be doing some stalking.

Next day
I didn't know anyone who could think of aquas interests so I did the next best thing and started at the source. I invited aqua out we are going downtown to this shopping center just to see what might grab her attention. I have to make sure she doesn't but everything she sees though or it will ruin my ideas.
Peridot also insisted on coming with me though I have a feeling it's not to find a gift.
"How's your investigation coming along"
"Oh it's going great found out a whole lot of nothing so far"
"Asking around didn't help?"
"I know like 2 people and one of them is you"
I couldn't help but laugh at her slight frustrations. We are both super antisocial so there wasn't much chance of finding luck asking around.
"Think of it as your opportunity to make more friends"
"Spliced those chances in half when we kissed in public the first time"
Peridot had a point there at least. People aren't exactly supportive of us, there haven't been many instances of straight out rejection. Minus the time peri showed up with hickeys all down her neck. But besides that they have all just made a point to not approach us in anyway shape or form. I was surprised aqua was so okay with it but I think she just found it more interesting that anything else.
"I'm sure there are a handful who will at least talk to you"
"There are more reasons I don't have friends besides me being gay you know. Not the most inviting person to talk to regardless"
At first glance peridot is either blunt and rude, a nerd, a dork, or all three. Once you get to know her you realize she sort of all three but in a cute way.
"Hey you got me to fall for you"
"Why did you fall for me again?"
"Cause you're cute~"
"I'm serious remember shortly after we met we ended up watching cph until we fell asleep and cuddled all night long"
"Probably one of the most embarrassing mornings I'd woken up to in a while"
"Something about waking and seeing you first thing in the morning right next to me made me thing 'yup this is the one' still think that every morning"
"Your not usually the sentimental type, did you do something wrong?"
"No I didn't break anything can't I just be romantic for three seconds"
"You can but I'll be suspicious"
    Every time I think back to how thing started I can't help but wonder how I didn't fall in love faster

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