Getting a license

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       Last class of the day was uneventful to say the least. 10 minutes before class ended was when the anxiety settled in. With all the stuff going on about lapis and me in public I forgot that I was taking my drivers test soon. Soon butterflies formed in my stomach and my palms got all sweaty. Class was dismissed and I walked to our usual meeting spot. Lapis was waiting for me and I tried to seem calm and collected. I guess I wasn't as good at that or lapis was just that good.
"What's wrong"
"Just nervous"
"Is it about your plans after school?"
"No chance you'll tell me what it is?"
"How am I supposed to calm your nerves then"
I looked up at her and smiled. I think she caught on my plan fairly quickly.
"I think I know how to calm you down"
She leaned in and gave me a soft kiss.
"Did it work"
"Yeah, worked perfectly"
       I was less nervous but it didn't last long. Every second inches closer to my appointment time. When we got home I only had 20 minutes to eat and mentally prepare myself for my test. I grabbed some left overs and heated them up as I quickly flipped through my driver ed manual. Lapis was in the room watching tv but could hear me rushing to get everything done. I put away my manual and finished up my food. Pearl is very punctual so I didn't have any extra time. I checked my phone.
3 minutes to go
    My internal panic grew worse but I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just a little nervous"
"Need me to calm you down again?"
      I laughed a little and nodded. Lapis pulled me into the kiss and neither of us pulled away. The soft loving kiss quickly turned into something much more passionate. I quickly forgot all about my test and got lost in the kiss. We separated only to breathe and adjust our positions. I turned around to face her completely and wrapped my arms around her neck. She grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. She slowly slid a hand down to grab my ass, it took me by surprise but I didn't mind. She bit my lip slightly asking for entrance. I opened my mouth a little and she slid her tongue in. Our tongues fought for dominance inside our mouths and she started to slide her hand under my shirt. Her hands were cold and I shivered at her touch.
She noticed and laughed slightly as we kissed. She continued to touch my bare skin going closer to my bra strap. She touched it lightly and flicked at it I gave a frustrated groan and she finally got the strap in her hand and fumbled with it until-
     We jumped at the sound of pearls car and the angry bird mom. I quickly collected myself and looked in the mirror to make sure there was no evidence of what almost happened.
"Yeah sorry didn't mean to leave you hanging like that"
She stopped me at the door and gave me a soft kiss.
"We can continue once you get back~"
I blushed and lapis laughed. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to pearl who was slightly irritated.
"Don't be late pearl, get here on time pearl, not a second off pearl. And look who shows up 2 minutes late."
I could tell she wasn't very pleased.
"What were you even doing?"
I blushed and she started the car.
"I took a quick nap to get over my nerves but ended up sleeping in a a little."
     I gave my best smile and although skeptical pearl seemed to buy my lie. The dmv was pretty close to then dorms so we got there quickly. When we arrived I still had 5 minutes before my actual appointment time.
What could I have done with lapis in 5 minutes
I blushed as my thoughts were filled by things I'd rather not have pearl know about.
       We checked in and took a seat. About 10 minutes passed before I heard my number get announced on the board. I walked over to the desk and presented all the documents they asked for. I took a vision test and they checked the needs glasses to drive box which means I'll need to wear them more often. Everything got set up and they took me to a room with a bunch of computers. I took my seat and started the test.
       I turned in the last question and got the notification that I passed with a 100%. I expected to get that since I'm pretty well prepared for tests but now comes the one I'm most worried about. The driving test is easy in theory and I've been practicing with pearls car but I'm still very nervous. I'm starting to regret not bringing lapis along, even though we joke around about it she is exceptionally good at calming me down.
      I climbed into pearls car and the instructor sat next to me. First thing I did was put on my seat belt. If you start the car before putting on the seatbelt they fail you right away.
"Start the car"
I started the car and she got out. I lowered my window and waited.
"Turn signal"
"Windshield wipers"
"Emergency brake"
"Emergency Signal"
"Signal left with your hand"
"Signal right with your hand"
"Signal stop with your hand"
She wrote something on her board and got into the car. I tried to remember all of pearls advice as I focused on driving.
"Don't look at your little lever for the turn signal as your driving, don't stare at your speedometer but glance at it, don't run the yellow light unless theres no other option, when you go to parallel park do it in three swift movements"
     I think I did everything well, I may have messed up the parallel parking but I should still have passed. I sat in my car and waited for the results.
"Congratulations you pass, please wait in the waiting area so you can get your picture taken"
I went inside and saw pearl awaiting the news.
"I passed"
"Oh good job we have to celebrate I'll call garnet. You should call lapis we can all get together and have a party"
"Actually I wanted to surprise lapis so could we keep this between us for now?"
"Ah yes of course but as soon as she finds out we are going to celebrate"
I nodded and they soon called me up to get my picture taken. I hated pictures but this was a requirement. They gave me a temporary license and we left the dmv. Pearl let me drive to the dorms and I went inside to tell lapis the news.

This whole chapter is based off the actual tips someone gave my sister for her drivers test. I've been studying for mine and figured this was a good way to review

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