Hidden Treasure

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Peridot POV
Seeing lapis move through the water is almost therapeutic. She moves through the water like she's lived there her whole life.
"Peridot are you just gonna stand there and stare?"
"It's cold I'm trying to warm up a little"
"You have to move for that dummy"
I walk over to lapis who was a pretty deep into the lake. By the time I got there the water was at my neck and at lapis's shoulders.
"No fair I'll drown before I can even get close to you"
Lapis laughed and got closer. She wrapped her arms around my waist and picked me up.
"There now we are even."
"Put me down"
Lapis laughed and set me down. We played in the water until we were too hungry to swim anymore.
"I brought snacks and I think there's food in the fridge"
I went to the cabin to check for anything edible and found some fish.
They must've stocked up in case we came
I need a fire
I went outside and started picking up some dry sticks. I put them all in a pile and put some rocks around the soon to be fire.
"What are the rocks for?"
"Honestly I'm not sure I always see them in movies and stuff"
Lapis helped get more sticks and soon the fire was almost ready.
"I don't know how to light a fire"
Yes great job peridot a fire needs an actual flame
"Do they have any matches in the cabin?"
I run over to the cabin and search the kitchen for any matches or lighters. I went through every cupboard and drawer that I could possibly see but found nothing. I went into the bedroom and saw a closet in the corner. I opened the door and sure enough a match box sat at the top. I couldn't quite reach it but I also didn't wanna ask lapis and risk getting teased further about my stature. I jumped a couple times and felt my fingers graze the box.
One more
I gave my last bit of energy into this last jumps and knocked the box down.
"YES, who needs height"
Not long after the matches fell a small rectangular box fell along with it.
What the
I picked up the box and shook it. It sounded like some sort of metal chain.
I figured it was just my friends jewelry or something but curiosity got the better of me. I opened the box slowly and got caught of something fuzzy. I removed the lid entirely and got a full glimpse of the fuzzy blue handcuffs that lay peacefully in the box. I dropped it immediately knowing it was probably used as intended.
"You find any matches?!"
Shit lapis
I picked up the box and tried to put the lid back. Once it was on I reached up to put it back on top of the closet and was hit with the striking realization that I was short. I looked around to find anywhere to put the box and heard lapis's footsteps not too far away. I tried to put the box on top of the closet one more time and failed. Suddenly I heard lapis turn the knob. I dropped the box and kicked it under the bed.
"Okay? What was that sound?"
"Uhhh the matches fell"
"The matches were on top of the closet and I tried reaching but I'm too short but I didn't wanna bother you so I jumped and they fell and made a loud noise"
"Um okay then"
She slowly walked over and I felt my blood drain from my body. I closed my eyes and felt a gentle kiss on my forehead
"You could've just asked for help"
She bent down to grab the matches and I shifted over to block her view under the bed
"Next time I'll make sure to ask for help"
Lapis stares at me puzzled but chose to ignore it

lapis POV
She is definitely hiding something
I tried my best to play it off as though I hadn't noticed but it was painfully obvious there was something she didn't want me to see. I decided to check out the cabin later and see what she was hiding but first the fire.
I struck a match and dropped it into the pile of sticks. They almost instantly lit up in a beautiful array of red and yellows. The flame flicked as colors faded into each other almost blending before again separating. If it wasn't so dangerous I would make campfires all the time. They were great for paintings. Unfortunately I can't just set random fires in the dorm room.
Peridot came back with two fish and some foil.
"I seasoned them so now we can wrap em up and put them straight onto the fire."
"Alright I'll go put some of our drinks in the fridge"
I got up and grabbed a few sodas. I decided to check on what peridot was hiding while she was busy with the fish.
I quickly put the sodas in the fridge and made my way to the bedroom. It would be suspicious if I took too long so I had to work fast.
Peridot was standing here right?
I moved to where the matched were and started to search the closet. There was nothing on top or hidden in any drawers.
Where would she hide something
I remembered her shifting to the bed went I bent down to grab the matches and decided I'd find my answers there. I couldn't see anything under the bed so I stuck my arm in and hoped for the best. Almost immediately I hit a small box and pulled it out. I was running out of patience and decided to just take the lid off. I was greeted by a pair of cuffs with blue fur on them.
Oh what the
Was peridot in to this sorta thing?
I sat with the object in hand and pictured their use. I blushed and put it back where I found it.
Wait does she want me to use these on her or the other way around
I decided to leave the cabin and wait for my answer

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