Hang over

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Lapis POV
I open my eyes slowly, my whole body feels heavy like I got ran over by 4 different semi trucks. When I open my eyes fully I immediately get harassed by the harsh sunlight coming from the window.
I close my eyes and silently curse the sun for existing and this window for not having curtains.
I don't remember falling asleep but then again I can't remember much passed that one drinking game me and aqua were playing. I must've gotten way too drunk for my own good. Haven't had a hang over in a while forgot how much they suck.
I decide to call peridot since she's probably worried sick. I doubt I called her while I was drunk so she might think I died. I shuffle around and feel my phone near me on a counter. I switch it on and sure enough I have 6 missed calls from peridot.
"Hey peri sorry I didn't call it was a hell of a night"
"It's fine aqua ended up calling me and saying you had fallen asleep during a movie, would've been nice to get at least a text though"
I am pretty sure I made her mad. Im going to have to make it up to her tomorrow or when I get home. There's no way I could tell her I was drunk as fuck so I seem like an asshole for not staying in contact.
"I'm sorry I should've called a little more, promise I'll make it up to you"
"When are you coming home?"
"Soon I think I'll have to talk to aqua about when she's going to leave me"
"Alright just make sure you let me know this time"
"Sorryyyy I promise I'll text you more"
"Okay well go have fun I guess"
"Thanks I love you"
"Love you too"
She's definitely upset. I'll deal with it later though right now I just want to find some pain meds and food. I begrudgingly get up and struggle to walk through the stiffness riddled throughout every joint in my body. I look in the mirror and notice that I look more like trash than usual.
"I should get ready"
I throw on some decent clothes and struggle with my hair before eventually giving up and leaving it alone. I don't look great but there's been worse. Satisfied I leave to find aqua. When I open the door the smell of breakfast invades the room and invited me down stairs
With newfound inspiration I strut down the stairs towards the lovely scent. I didn't even realize just how hungry I was until I was reminded of how lovely breakfast smells.
"I see your finally awake"
"I had a rough night"
"I think I had it worse, I was the one dealing with you"
I tried to remember any altercation I had with aqua while drunk but nothing came to mind. As I struggled with my memory one unwanted figure popped into my head and stopped me in my tracks.
"Was jasper here?"
"I suppose you did have a rough night, yes she was here. She's a friend from school so I invited her in"
"Where is she"
A sharpness found its way into my voice startling aqua.
"Left yesterday quite early if I might add, why?"
It would be a difficult story to explain and I wasn't in the mood for that right now so I dropped the subject.
"Do you have any pain meds?"
I walks aimlessly in the general direction aqua pointed at. My head was killing me so I couldn't pin point just where she was talking about. At this point I was just opening random cabinets and hoping for the best. Eventually I did find the medicine I was looking for and swiftly took two of the white pills with ease.
"Don't you need water for that?"
"Took a lot of pills when I was younger you get used to taking them without water"
The effect wasn't immediate sadly so I went to the dining table and sat down patiently waiting for food to come solve all my problems.
"Here you are, two sunny side eggs, with breakfast sausage, hash brown, and a side of English muffin"
I didn't wait for aqua marine to finish her sentence before shoving an English muffin into my mouth. I was hungry manners can wait.
Eating my food made me feel a million times better. It may have also been the pain medicine kicking in but my head ache started to die down. Slowly bits and pieces of yesterday night flooded in. There was still parts that were completely blank but I now knew a little of what happened.
I thought about that card game and the first part of the movie we were watching then cursed myself for cozying up to jasper like that. Only drunk could I ever get a lot with her. Everything past the movie crashing is gone but based on what aqua told peri I must've just fallen asleep during the movie.
Speaking of aqua she may know more than I do
"Hey my memory is all blank for that last part of the night did anything happen?"
"You watched the entire movie and talked about it none stop. I tried getting you to change into sleep wear and you put your shirt on backwards. Then you refused to sleep because you wanted to cuddle peridot then finally shut up when I gave you a stuffed bear to hug"
Okay I'm never drinking again and really hope aqua somehow forgets everything that happened that day.
"How come you told peri I fell asleep with the movie?"
"Did you want me to say the truth"
That was a fair point but I should be heading home or peridot will have my head.
"I should've called peri she seemed upset this morning"
"We'll get you home and you can deal with her then"
"Yeah alright"

School has started for me so we will be doing weekly updates usually on weekends if they're a little late please forgive me I'm convinced my teachers hate me.

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