Making a friend

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I couldn't sleep much last night so I was awake earlier than usual. I got up and slowly climbed down the stairs. I didn't wanna wake lazuli and put her in a worse mood than she was already usually in. I got off the ladder and grabbed some clothes, a normal green hoodie with some black jeans, a green striped flannel and green converse. I went to the bathroom and changed before heading out to see the campus. School was going to start on Monday (it's currently Friday) so I decided to get a feel for the place. I walked to the huge campus of the DU (Diamond university) and grabbed a little nap I found on a bench. As if it wasn't obvious enough the school was enormous it could hold 50,000 students, had almost every program imaginable, had dedicated courts for almost every sport and to top it all off an all day access swimming pool. I started to walk around and visited all my classes so I could know where to go on the first day. I had astrology, robotics, calculus, Creative writing, and earth science. I took morning classes since I'm used to being up bright and early anyway. Though I'd bet lazuli takes afternoon classes based on how long she's been asleep for. After being reminded of lapis I decided it would be good to go back and try to get to know her better. I stopped by a local coffee shop and got a plain black coffee and two donuts. By the time I got back to the dorm lazuli was barely getting up.
"Good morning lazuli" she turned her head revealing her drowsy eyes and showing visible confusion.
"Morning" you could hear the tired in her voice.
She slowly got up and stretched. She lifted her arms in the air and I slowly took in how tall she was when her arms could almost touch the top of my bunk.
"5 foot 7 inches" I blushed as I realized she caught me staring.
"You?" She asked smiling for the first time, although it was more like a smirk.
"5 foot 1 inch and a half" I blushed again in a deeper shade of red.
Lazuli smiled and put her hand on top of my head and squatted looking her in the eyes before smiling and giggling a little. She grabbed clothes and walked into the bathroom leaving me a confused blushing mess.
What was that, was she trying to be friendly does this mean she's not mad at me. Wait was she making fun of me?!? Or maybe she's just playing around and teasing.
I paced around processing what just happened. Lazuli came out of the bathroom wearing a light blue off the shoulder crop top, dark blue jeans, white adidas super star and as was clearly visible a black bra. I caught myself staring and quickly turned my attention to my donuts.
"Um lazuli" she turned her attention to me.
"Would you like a donut" I stuck out a chocolate frosted donut with multi-colored sprinkles.
She looked at it and took it looked at me a little before taking a bite and smiling.
"Lapis" she said before leaving to kitchen to grab some coffee.
Well if that's not progress I don't know what is
I smiled before sitting down and working on my robots while lapis ate her breakfast.
                   After around 10 minutes
I finished my little robot and put him on my shelf before sending a picture to my usual buyer. I sell my little robots to someone who sells them to the general public this one is a kids toy which sells well so I can usually get a good 200 for them. As I was talking to Matt (the buyer) lapis came out of the kitchen. I hung up the call content with the 250 I'd be getting from my robot and turned my attention back to lapis who was staring at my robot with curious intent.
It's a robot that I sell, this one is a kids toy that's why it's shaped like a dog" I turned the robot on and it started to emit barking sounds and jumping.
Lapis stood in awe and pet the robot dog that immediately tilted its head to direction of her hand.
"This is amazing, how did you even do this" lapis was still petting the robotic pup.
"Well I just used parts off of amazon and programmed it using my laptop" I pulled out the code and lapis read through it without knowing what it means. We stood talking for about an hour as I showed her different blueprints and robots I had. Things felt as though they were going alright between us and I was getting to see her smile more and more.

We stopped talking when I heard my own stomach rumbling and I realized I only had a light breakfast and it was already lunch time. Lapis heard as well and giggled slightly under her breath.
"Wanna grab a bite to eat I'm pretty hungry too" I nodded and we walked towards the door.
"Do you know any good places?" I thought carefully and nodded.
"There's a small seafood place a few blocks down near campus" lapis nodded and smiled and we started walking towards campus.  We arrived at the place and took a table. It was fairly empty minus a few waiters and an elderly couple in the back.
"Welcome to gills what would you like to drink" the waitress set down a couple menus. I ordered a sprite and lapis got water.
"Alright take a sec to look through our menu I'll be right back with your drinks". I skimmed through the menu and settled on fish n' chips. I looked up at lapis who was still reading the menu and got my first good look at her. She was very pretty, she was slightly tan and she had beautiful blue eyes. She also had a good body. She was tall and slender with a flat stomach she clearly didn't hide. She looked up and I dipped my face back into my menu.
"Are you ready to order?" The waitress set our drinks down and grabbed her notepad and pencil.
"Yeah I'll get the fish n' chips" I turned to lapis so she could order.
"I'll take the pan seared salmon" she set her menu down and I took it stacking it on top of mine.
"Alright I'll be right back with your food" the waitress took the menu and lapis looked up at me.
"Have you been to the campus yet"? I had forgotten she was asleep when I left.
"Yeah I went this morning before you got up"
"Really? what's it like?"
"Yeah, it's really big. It has the capacity for 50,000 students and has a court for all sports and an all access swimming pool" .
Her eyes lit up at the last statement.
"Do you like to swim lapis?" She blushed slightly.
"Yeah I really like the water, I've been swimming forever now. I'm actually really good at it too"
she seemed happy talking about swimming.
"Well do you want to go over there tomorrow? It's open and there won't be many kids since school hasn't started yet." Lapis seemed a little surprised by my sudden invitation.
"Sure, what time?"
"We should go around 1, is that good with you ?"
"Yeah that's fine"
The waitress came up to our table and set our food down. We ate in mostly silence and when lapis was done I asked for the check.
"It'll be my treat this time" lapis nodded and smiled.
"Alright thank you" I paid and we left the restaurant.
"Do you wanna stop by the park it's right around the corner." I looked up at lapis and checked the time. It was 4 pm so we still had some daylight.
"Sure lead the way" I followed lapis to the park and we sat on the grass.
"It's nice out" lapis closed her eyes and let the wind flow through her hair.
Wow she is really pretty
I closed my eyes and did the same. She was right it was perfect out. When I opened my eyes I noticed lapis staring. She blushed when I caught her she and I did too.
"So um lapis, I know that I wasn't the nicest person before but you're really cool and since we are living together and all I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to be friends" I sat quietly and waited for my answer.
"Okay" I looked up at her. She was smiling softly.
"We should get going before it gets too dark"
"Yeah" we walked towards the dorm and got inside. I worked on my robots till dark and lapis was mostly on her phone.
"I'm heading to bed" I turned my attention back to her.
"Okay I'll go to sleep soon too" she nodded.
"Goodnight peridot"
"Goodnight lapis"
I wrapped up my robot and went to my bed. Today was nice.

Sorry about the very late update wasn't sure about continuing and got busy this week. From now on there will be updates every 1-2 days sometimes 2 a day if I have a lot of free time.

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