Those who know her best

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Peridot POV
I texted Steven to let him know we were coming over and went to take a quick shower. All things considered I really needed a hot shower just about now.
"Start getting ready I'm just gonna be a bit and then we'll leave. I don't wanna bother Steven too late in the afternoon"
"Alright don't take too long showering"
    With that I went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. Usually I don't use hot water like this but I feel like I deserve nice things. The water felt relaxing but I couldn't stay there long since I was in a rush. I wrapped up my shower and turned off the water. I quickly dried myself off and threw on a black T-shirt, some ripped jeans, and my green converse.
Lapis was also ready so I grabbed my keys and started towards Steven's.
    Despite being really close I feel like we don't visit Steven as much as we should. I lived with him for a while and he helped me when I didn't have any place to stay so I owe him big time. The others didn't really like me at first and probably don't like me all too much right now either. We all get along fine most of the time though. Steven is the glue that binds everyone together though, he's even the reason I met lapis.
Time skip
    We got to Stevens place without much issue. Lapis seemed to really look forward to seeing everyone which is a nice change of pace.
"You seem happy"
"Steven is one of the few people I like and I want to try to get along better with the others"
"How come?"
"Well Steven kind of forced us to meet and you turned out better than I expected. So maybe the others will be great too"
"That's one way to look at it"
    We went up to the door and knocked a few times. We heard shuffling and then Steven running towards the door frantically. He burst out and gave us a tight hug.
He squished us even harder making it very difficult to catch our breathes.
"uhhh Steven breathing WE NEED TO BREATHE"
"Oops sorry about that"
He let go and I quickly inhaled to make up for the air I didn't get before.
"Come in come in, the other are on the couch. GUYS LAPIS AND PERIDOT ARE HEREEE!!!"
    We went inside and saw everyone gathered on the couch watching a game show on the tv.
"Hey P-dot. Hey lapis, how's my favorite little couple doing"
"Hey amethyst we're good"
Lapis smiled and waved to everyone who returned the gesture.
"It's been a while since you've visited what have you two been up to?"
"Nothing really school is pretty uneventful"
    The usual catching up small talk is kind of boring to me but I guess it's custom for people to ask. Once we finished our initial catching up they asked us to sit down. I took a seat next to amethyst and lapis sat besides me near pearl. Steven had gone into the kitchen to bring some snacks out so we were left with the others for now.

Lapis POV
    I considered sitting near amethyst but I figured that I'd start my befriending with someone less extreme.
"Sooooooo, how have you been?"
I am nailing this social interacting thing
"Ive been pretty good, Stevens stared to do his own laundry in order to prove that he is 'a big boy' so at least I have one less thing to do around the house"
"I don't know how you can be so responsible, I wouldn't be able to manage this house nearly as easy as you"
"Well they are a rowdy bunch but I suppose I have grown used to it. How are things on your end? Everything alright with peridot?"
"Well we had our first argument this morning but besides that we have been going pretty strong."
    Mentioning the argument seemed to have peaked her attention since she suddenly seemed more curious.
"What did you fight about?"
"I had stayed at a friends house that night and ended up drunk after a few games, I forgot to call peridot and ended up worrying her all day. Needless to say she had a right to be upset about that"
"Peridot is a easy person to understand. She doesn't think very highly of herself so she'll need some reinforcement when it comes to things like relationships. As long as you know that you'll be able to clear up misunderstandings a lot easier"
    I didn't expect solid relationship advice but I guess they do know peridot better than I do and from what peridot told me her and pearl wouldn't get along so maybe she knows how to deal with her best.
"Thanks pearl that helps"
"Oh don't worry about it, me and peridot got into our fair share of fights so I know how to put up with her"
"What did you fight about?"
"Peridot has a strong personality, she tends to be very confident when she's good at something and it can be annoying. Back then it always felt like she thought she was better than you."
"I didn't know peridot had a superiority complex?"
"It's hard to find any trace of that now, she's really grown up. Right now she's pretty open with everyone and tries to see things from their perspective, if she doesn't understand something she'll ask instead of just rejecting it"
    I never really spoke to peridot much before now. I didn't think she'd be like two completely different people.  I'm glad she's changed though, it seems like everyone is happy for her like this.

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