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Peridot POV
We had both calmed down a bit. I had lapis is my arms waiting for the last of her tears to go away. We had both apologized and I know that but the sting of her words were still there. I know she didn't mean them but that doesn't mean she never said them at all.
I let out a long sigh and run my fingers through lapis's hair. She flinches and then softens as she realizes what's happening. She's always been so cuddly, any form of physical contact like this relaxes her so much. She was probably so touch starved after her last relationship. There's nothing really I can do to heal those wounds though.
She had stopped crying and at this point was just falling asleep. She already had a headache before all the arguing so the crying probably made it worse.
"Lapis? You awake?"
Her voice was layered with sleep, that little slurring of her words when she's tired is so adorable.
"Do you wanna visit Steven later? I think we could use something like that after what happened"
    I thought about asking for her to move into a more comfortable position but she was already asleep. Guess I'll have to deal with the back pain later. I leaned against the metal poles holding up the top bunk and closed my eyes for a bit. I hadn't slept well since lapis wasn't here. It was nice to have her back.

Time skip also Lapis POV
With peridot holding me I couldn't help but fall asleep. After what happened I wanted her near me so I would know she was there. I'm not used to someone leaving me like that, with jasper I'm the one that ran away. I didn't think it hurt so much to be abandoned like that.
I looked up at her while she slept. In that position she's going to be painfully sore later. For now though, she's just resting peacefully. I can see how tired her face looks. she must not have slept at all last night. Completely my fault I'll have to make up for that.
I slowly get off of her as carefully as I can. She's not usually a heavy sleeper but she seems like she's in deep sleep. Once I'm off I try to lay her down into a more comfortable position. The second I lift her though she wakes up.
"Sorry I was trying to lay you down so you wouldn't hurt yourself"
I see her flinch as she gets up and move a hand to her back.
"Too late for that I guess"
"It's fine it doesn't hurt that bad"
"You slept leaning on a metal pole at an awkward angle with my weight on top of you"
"Your point is?"
"It probably hurts or it'll hurt later"
Peridot is very stubborn when it comes to things like her pain. She will never admit that something hurts even if she's bleeding out and dying. You could stab her and she'd say something like no it's fine you don't have to call anyone doesn't even hurt. It's very concerning.
I get up to look for the pain relief cream and spot some icy hot in the medicine cabinet. I grab it and come back to see peridot struggling to sit up.
"Here let me put some of this on you"
"No it's fine I don't need anything"
"You look like a constipated old lady just lay down and take off your shirt"
"That thing is super strong I'm gonna smell like peppermint and medicine all day"
"Tough luck now lay down"
After much resistance I finally get her to agree. I grab a glove (because I'm not trying to smell like icy hot) and start putting the cream wherever she points out pain. Peridot did have a point when she said this thing has a strong smell to it. It's kinda like peppermint but a weird undertone to it. (Author note: if anyone has used icy hot plz try to describe its smell. For me it's always just been icy hot like that's it's own scent, okay back to story).
I finished applying the cream and took off the glove.
"How do you feel?"
"That means it's working"
She struggled to get up since the medicine hasn't fully kicked in yet and put her shirt back on.
"Hey Im not sure if you heard me since you were asleep but I want to visit Steven later"
"What for?"
"I don't know I guess I could use a pick me up"
Steven can make anyone happy so going to visit him could be fun. I don't really get along with the other super well though. We are all friends but mostly forced to get along by Steven. That is how I met peridot though so maybe I should try to make friends with the others.
"We should go, I miss them"
"I had initially thought about going earlier but I didn't have my phone and didn't want to show up unexpected and crying"
"You cried?"
"Of course I really missed you"
For some reason I hadn't thought about what peridot did when she was gone just the fact that she left.
"Where did you go"
"A small park not far from here"
"I guess I should be thankful you left your phone or else you probably wouldn't have come back like you did"
"I would never leave you laz I just needed time to cool off"
"Yeah I know, I'm sorry I freaked out and told you to leave"
"I'm sorry I left, I should've been more level headed"
I saw her flinch a little and got a little worried.
"What happened?"
"Its hot now"
"You scared me dummy"
"It scared me too"

Coming up next-> lapis discovers separation anxiety

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